Absolutely agree, you took the words right out of my mouth. Azusa makes me uncomfy by the way he forces Kaede into this whole situation. Azusa seems controlling and dominating, and of course since Kaede is the alpha, he gets the blame. And the way Azusa flashes those crazy eyes and the end of the last chapter, shows that not everything may be right in his head.

Oh my God THANK YOU!!! Idcidc azuza or whatever just pisses me off and give me mad vibes. I said it in the last chapter and I’ll say it again. Homeboy must’ve got dropped in the head cause the way he goes abt securing Kaede is so f**ked. He always plays the victim card, forces Kaede into situations that he clearly doesn’t want to be in and is NEVER willing to compromise. The only reason he’s feeling so insecure in the last chapter is bc he knows their entire relationship rests on manipulation and lies. At this point Kaede’s a stockholm victim. It just makes me sad cause every chapter you watch more Nd more if his free will being stripped from him. Ngl I was azusa GONE ( ̄へ ̄)

I understand Azusa has some screws loose after everything, but there's still a difference between being the dominant one in the relationship and being a toxic mf who literally embodies what plenty of toxic semes that are Alphas are like in a lot of omegaverse/yaoi stories. He definitely has some screws loose and it comes from a place of desperation and obsession. Kaede is continuously hurt, yet he stays in the same relationship. If there was a way to get Azusa to understand the difference between reasonable possessiveness and force, then it would be great. But NO, he just emboddies your typical "inferiority complex" type of seme that gets off on forcing their partner in toxic ways
I think the amount of people who are willing to give Azusa the benefit of the doubt is almost staggering. Though there’s an equally vocal group of people condemning him, I think it speaks to what a unique character he is that people find his actions defensible. I love the dude, but I can acknowledge that years of subjugation and over idealizing Kaede have probably knocked loose a few screws in this man’s head. The final scene where Kaede gets vulnerable and reveals that he doesn’t like having his sense of agency stripped from him by his “alpha”, Azusa’s declaration that he will “kill” that beast inside of him is extremely telling. Especially because he acknowledges that Kaede and his alpha are entwined, and the only way he can stay with Kaede is to master him. It’s not about being equals or trusting each other. Azusa simply knows that biology has got them fucked, so he’s willing to exert way more force (nearly to the point of violence) than what is normal for a typical relationship. I’ve noticed that throughout the relationship, Kaede is always put in positions that result in Azusa looking more or less like the victim, even though the narrative is completely different in actuality. Kaede was seen as a bad alpha because he didn’t want to buckle down and commit to a relationship that had been forced on him, and even now, when he’s had his control wrestled away from him by his own biology, Azusa forcing him to bite him puts Kaede in a situation where he’s being “unfaithful” and feels guilty for things he can’t change. It’s complicated, and I feel like while it is “just a BL”, the reactions of the community reading are just as interesting as the actual content.