actually I do have a "right" to judge you as you obviously wanted that and a response by commenting lmao. I'm staying for mr Kim, heena noona, and to see what nakyum finally does at the end. I like the plot besides the rape and abuse but that doesn't mean I will ship them?? why tf would you ship a victim and abuser? fiction or not, rape is rape and saying its fiction will not excuse you or justify supporting a rapist character. y'all seungho stans are delusional.

Actually you don't have a 'right' to judge anyone but yourself. Rights are given, not just magically self ascribed. Did anyone elected you the morality police of illegal manga websites? I don't think so. You gave yourself the right to lecture people in adult fiction, probably because it makes you feel better or superior and compensate for some shortcoming since this is very common in people who adopt this attitude online.
"I'm staying for Mr Kim, Heena Noona and to see what Nakyum finally does at the end'. Right. The story has almost 70 chapters, Mr Kim probably has about 1% of showing. Noona didn't even existed about 2 chapters back. Who do you think you fool?
"I want to see what Nakyum does at the end" : you know as you already replied that Nakyjm will end with Seungho. This is a rape plot trope and it was clear in the very early stages of the story. You knew what you signed up for. So you know that Nakyum will forgive Seungho, so you are here to see the endgame. You spend your time following this story, patronizing the author by following the story and you think you are better than anyone else who ships the couple? You read rape plot tropes to see the abuser get together in the end with the victim? Or it's just POTN that gets your grace because everyone else is reading and you didn't want to be left out?
So, if you are so against the plot that you know you will get, but still hang around (the excuses you guys give are getting more and more pathetic... 'I don't like the plot but I like the art'.... oh, I like that character who made an appearance so let me eat up 99% of the story so I can get a glimpse of that character and say it's for them that I follow) Right.
It's none of you business what adults ship in their fiction. Grow the fuck up if you can't have through this thick minor skull that you can root for murderers in fiction and not in real life, you can enjoy omegaverse in fiction and still know that men don't get pregnant, you can root for that yaoi forbidden ship between brothers and still don't mean you fuck your siblings or want to, and you can follow a POTN and ship for a 'abuser' and his 'victim' and still know that this is fiction and real life this is very unrealistic.
There are so many stories in here that have cute, healthy relationship, 'Here U Are' is so popular, among others....still you shamers choose to read a trope rape plot, knowing very well what you are going to get and hang around with the only pleasure of the mental masturbation that is to trash and lecture other adults on how they should ship their fictional character according to your judgement.
No, sweetheart, you are not the judge. Keep patting yourself in the back. Stay for Mr. Kim, Heena ( cough, cough sure as if you only read the chapters they are in, right? ) Oh, and yes, you want to see what Nakyum will do? LOL In other words, you want to see what you know you will see that is Nakyum getting together with Seungho... you just don't want to admit you eat this shit up. Grow the fuck up and fuck the children who read stories made for adults who can tell the difference between fiction and reality.

what's the plot that you're staying for exactly? Cuz i don't see any part of the story that would be acceptable in real life. It can't be Jihwa being so toxically jealous that he's willing to assassinate Nakyum, can't be Min manipulating all of the characters for his own goals, can't be the homophobia, can't be the class system, can't be ostracization of multiple characters. All those things are huge parts of the plot so what are you enjoying about it? And if you want to see how things end you could literally just wait until the story is completed, and read the last chapter instead of putting yourself through the mental strain of reading a story that is so bothersome to you that you feel the need to berate others for enjoying.
I know you antis have a hard time understanding this but dark fiction is a thing, dark tropes are a thing, and just because someone like something in fiction does not mean they support it in real life. How many people root for villains in media? If fiction really affected reality like y'all so desperately love to claim why aren't more people reenacting the actions of their favorite bad guy? Because it doesn't, the real problem is people like you who will see all the warnings posted on something and then cry when its exactly what you were warned about.
I unapologetically ship Seungho and Nakyum. I ship two fictional characters, I don't owe anyone an explanation and no one has the right to judge me as a person for it. Have a nice day.