alright i need help finding the title of this manhwa i think. i cant remember anything abo...

lazy.dinosaur February 1, 2021 11:59 pm

alright i need help finding the title of this manhwa i think. i cant remember anything about it except this one part of the story where the mc's country was like meeting up with other country's representatives and that country had like these special birds thats only found there and they trained them with these special whistles. im pretty sure theres like this guy who doesnt approve of these ppl and likes hunting the birds for fun and im also pretty sure theres a part where the mc jumps of this tower and into like an ocean bc the guy who didnt like birds threw the whistle into the ocean and the mc needed to get it back i think they were testing something with the birds bc the other country wasnt a very big one and needed to make profit or something in exchange for the birds
