The whole merch and selling point of this story is the ship. The official art has become more and more romantic, I guess it's a way for the author to signal the shippers to hang in there.
If the shippers are disgusting, 'need help' and the shit, so the author is even worse by logic. Still these dumbasses pay to read it, or don't pay but create cloud and hype on a story created by someone that, according to them 'needs help and roots for rapists. Go figure how much good sense these haters have.

Y’all are not any better tho lol. If being a hater means still having a sense of morals then fine, I’ll proudly call myself a hater lmao, but to still ship them unapologetically? Imagine this for me what if you were in nakyum’s place? Would you still devotingly kiss the ground that seungho walks even though he treats you like shit and rapes you? (Genuine question on the last part)

The difference being that only you is claiming to be better. "If being a hater means still having a sense of morals"... so you think you have better morals just because we ship Nakyum and Seungho.
So you think you are better than the author as well? Just clarifying that because the author makes money out of promoting this ship with her art.
Why people can't ship unapologetically whatever fictional characters the want?
Do you think that non normative relationships in fictions should be written? Do you think apply the same morals to incest? Do you apply the same morals to rooting for criminals in fiction?
I am not disputing that for some readers, they can't enjoy a fiction unless it has the same linear standard than reality. Our boundaries and our individuals experiences, our emotional triggers all contribute to the limits of things we can tolerate in fiction. I myself can't read incest, it grosses me out, however, I really can't think of a situation where I would start reading an incest story and then keep posting shame on the shippers. Do I think that people who enjoy and read incest Yaoi stories go around fucking their siblings? No. Do I think they think its' fine? No. I just feel am I capable to understand that people may have different mechanisms and limits of their morals in fiction. I am capable of rooting for a murderous man in fiction to get away without punishment. Does that make me a bad person? No. Does people who ship 'wrong' morally things in fiction are immoral? No.
The point is not so much that you dislike something. The point is why the need to shame people just because you can't relate or understand something they ship in fiction? Despite what you just said, being here shaming shippers of POTN doesn't mean you have better sense of morals at all. You are after all reading a story made by the author who promotes this ship, that creates and sells this. You help the story to be even more talked about but hanging in here chapter after chapter so even if your aim was to eliminate these type of stories from the universe, your actions are contradictory because you read this.
So, if it makes you feel better to believe you are above shippers of some kind of Yaoi subgenera, by all means, pat yourself in the back. I think some people have this need and coming to read rape plot stories when they clearly disapprove of the trope is always a good way to boost your self appraisal.

If a man raped me I would call the police. That's real life.
Nakyum and Seungho are not real people.
My favorite character is a Yakuza boss. I root for him to be happy with his hot bodyguard. I don't root for him to pay for life of crime.
If he were a real person I would call the police on him because Yakuza in real life is one of the most cruel organizations in the world and no one associated with them is good.
Alas, because it's fiction, I allowed myself to bend whatever rule I want.
Most if not all of the shippers in rape plots are on it for the redemption story. Maybe for you the rape is the most important part of the fiction. Maybe for the shippers, the redemption and salvation of someone who couldn't be saved is the real thrill.
Regardless, it's not cool, not nice and really messed up to judge people based on what they ship on a fiction, even more YAOI of all things. The amount of 'wrong' things we all ship in Yaoi is what makes this genre vilified but also so alluring for many.
The fact that we have choices should be cheered not shamed. If rape plot stories triggers me or the shippers of it, I shouldn't read it.
What you guys do is to chase this obviously rape plot trope, knowing very well that the 'rapist' will get a redemption and end with the victim so clearly this is not the kind of story your 'morals' allow to accept ... and your pleasure is this one: to shame shippers as if you were the judges, the moral police of what other adults should ship or not.
Think about what you want: you want other people to tell you what you should ship or not, to tell you what is acceptable for you to read. That's how China does. I bet they believe themselves masters of morality but really, this is about taking upon yourself the rule of telling other people what is acceptable or not to read or ship or feel. How is that in any way 'having a sense of morals' when the line is always defined by the next shamer who sits above you?

Tf is this "you were in place" shit? This is a fictional ship and a story this is not real?? And if it is real then, shit ur right but it really doesn't make any sense that you attack people for shipping two fictional character :d if you don't like it then don't read it??? This is a FICTIONAL ship pls just think about this before commenting and hating on ppl. Ik what ur saying and I understand it, but my point is that this is a fictional ship "fictional". Its not that me or the person you are hating on is supporting rapists or like shit where ppl gets raped, no. People who ships nakyum and seungho does NOT support rapist or like rape. This is a fictional ship like I said a fictional FICTIONAL ship. Its really weird that you hate on ppl for liking a fictional ship lmao

I don't know why people insist on wearing hats that are not meant for them.
If your opinion against the ship doesn't include the common shaming of the shippers this post shouldn't be of your concern.
Every time we call off shamers in here, people come talking about 'expressing opinions'. I have no idea why people choose to read a clearly non con trope if they disapprove of the trope but alas, how they waste their time is their business. However, not only are they engaged on something they knew they would get, it seems that the vast, the vast majority of the haters of the ship can't express their opinions without the extra step of shaming the shippers.
If you are by the way one of these readers who defend the shamers or pretend to be blind to the kind of topics I am talking about ( the 'you need help', the 'you all should be ashamed', the 'I demand an explanation' and all the shit, then please move on. I am so fucking tired of people pretending that the shaming of shippers in here is not rampant.
The author is a shipper. You patronize the genre by reading it. This is even more contradictory than the shippers who are just reading what they expect. If you hang around a non con story though with the only purpose to trash shippers under the veiled disguise of giving an opinion, you will be called off.
I don't like incest, I don't think anybody give a damn that I don't like incest stories. But it's one thing to waste my time reading an incest story ( I won't because I really can't relate to wasting my time on stories with relationships that I dislike) and it's another thing to post topics shaming the shippers.
You don't like the ship? Who the fuck cares? We only care if you park your moral police van in here and start lecturing people on who they should ship and trashing them for it.
The story will pick up from now on and the topic will become more aggressive towards the shippers of this couple. People who dislike non con fiction and end up reading this because of the popularity will grow bitter and bitter as the relationship shapes up.
My daily support for the shippers of Seungho x Nakyumn that will for sure be attacked and confronted: The author is a shipper and she is creating this story for the lovers of Seungho x Nakyum. It shows in her art. It's even progressing in her art. She clearly believes in Seungho being someone worthy of love so don't let the shamers trash you for just enjoying what the author also believes in.
Every time you see a post here shaming you for the ship, throwing asshole comments like 'you need help' or 'admit you root for a rapist' or whatever shit these jerks love to say: The author drives this ship and she is no less of a person for doing so. Neither is you.
Just remember that the biggest and stronger shipper of this couple is the author herself. Look at the official art she creates, how much she promotes this ship. Seungho and Nakyum are sold as a couple and this story was always clear about the kind of Yaoi genre that it is.
It's not you who needs help. Disliking something is natural. What is not so natural is to attack people for fictional ships, even more when it's the other people who got out of their way to read something that they disapprove of the author doing.
Ship your heart out. That's what fiction is for. Freedom.