Honestly as much as her life sucked before its like way worse now. She lost everything she...

MilkToast February 1, 2021 8:58 pm

Honestly as much as her life sucked before its like way worse now. She lost everything she worked for all that burnout was made pointless. She lost her home, family, neighbors and all modern conveniences. She loses her own language too and is basically forced to start over while being told she's useless and disappointing. I'd be depressed af too.

    Twips February 1, 2021 9:13 pm

    Exactly. I think I'm liking this manhwa more because it's giving a more realistic approach to isekais

    amjs February 1, 2021 9:51 pm

    True! I feel so bad for her, being push around doing what she doesn’t want to is so fucking annoying. I know that he do it with a good will but has he truly tried to empathetic with her situation? He just forced her to do something that he did and it was good for him but she already showed so much uncomfortableness. He should just stop and find new resolutions that suit her.

    MilkToast February 1, 2021 11:56 pm

    I assume they don't have therapists or good education about mental health in this world so I appreciate he is trying his best but a lot of what he is doing is really damaging. Yelling at her that she is lazy and useless is one of the worst things you can do for someone with depression. It can send them right back into a spiral. The exercise is a great idea and giving her a task is also right but he probably should have picked simpler easy wins for her. Like taking walks around outside or having her do arts and crafts or play games with people.

    She is also like DESPERATELY needing a friend to talk to. She literally has no one except the Emperor who is hot and cold and paid servants who are being used as bargaining chips plus the priest who she is told she cant trust. Like get her a real cheerful lady in waiting or something and encourage her to have fun and experience this new world and find something she likes instead of forcing her to do difficult training and studying a crazy hard language.

    Twips February 2, 2021 1:12 am

    I'm agreeing with all of y'all. He isn't helping her situation at all. While he has good intentions, his method of trying to make her do something is completely off, especially when they have no relationship at all.

    If some guy I barely knew ignored me for 3 months and then suddenly started bothering me and pushing me to do things I didn't want to, I'd be pissed.

    Awkward February 8, 2021 2:05 pm
    I assume they don't have therapists or good education about mental health in this world so I appreciate he is trying his best but a lot of what he is doing is really damaging. Yelling at her that she is lazy an... MilkToast

    Hmm i dont think she is desperate for a friend cause i feel like she doesnt even want to share her feelings. She might be struggling to open up to others but seriously the ml is there and she knows it and yah she does cuz she probably gonna open up in the upcoming chaps. And tbh somehow i think what the ml did was right. He's not yelling at her, more like scolding her u know like wat moms do. She knows shes being lazy and continues to be lazy. I dont know but i got a feeling shes not depressed and just worn out but not sure cuz im not her. Anyways she is just using her uselessness as an excuse to keep being useless as to why she is somewhat depressed like all of u say.