Why????? Ema issuch a good girl... How could they call her slut etc.... And ninomiya should brace up himself and keept on trying right?? Such weak willed boys make me gery mad
it's not that he is weak willed, he just loves ema!! can't he? but i really hate when girls bully other girls because of the one they love, that's just hateful
it's not that he is weak willed, he just loves ema!!can't he?but i really hate when girls bully other girls because of the one they love, that's just hateful Capuccino
"Gery mad" LMAO . . . . I also hate that girls bully other girls over something so stupid. I mean, that's life. Just F@$king deal with it, it's not your problem (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Why????? Ema issuch a good girl... How could they call her slut etc.... And ninomiya should brace up himself and keept on trying right?? Such weak willed boys make me gery mad