I know it suppose to be cute and all but I can’t help but be creeped out by Kimin’s actions. Will he get better? It got me thinking if I should finish the story or not,
This reply will be showed after approved! Yona Zowey
I finished it anyway lol. I tried to like this but I just felt uncomfortable by Kimin the whole time. I find his possessiveness suffocating if I were in Kyuyeon’s shoes, and when he threatened to hurt or kill himself as well as Kyuyeon that was already a big red flag. I personally didn’t like this.
This reply will be showed after approved! Yona Zowey
That part got me fuming too. The guy didn’t deserve that. Nothing can justify his actions. It wasn’t cute, he’s just batshit crazy. I feel like this type of relationship most likely ends up with a murder case. It’s just giving me that vibe the whole time.
I know it suppose to be cute and all but I can’t help but be creeped out by Kimin’s actions. Will he get better? It got me thinking if I should finish the story or not,