I'm literally sobbing with that ending. So many people died just trying to escape from that hell. What hits hard is when Hyun said the title of the song and it was the same as the manhua and Hyuk (Don't know if that's his name) stepped in to stop him and was disappointed because they wouldn't be able to go and see the anime together, that made me cry. And then Hyun came back to his senses after hearing the song, but unfortunately, the older brother didn't ;-; This was sooo good.
it looks like older brother didn't hatch yet, only mc's cacoon was hatching in that shot. Inugami
What made it even sadder was the fact that we don't know what happened to the older brother. We have no idea if he'll hatch and come back to his senses like Hyun did, of if he'll be just like the other emotionless monster-humans.
I'm literally sobbing with that ending. So many people died just trying to escape from that hell. What hits hard is when Hyun said the title of the song and it was the same as the manhua and Hyuk (Don't know if that's his name) stepped in to stop him and was disappointed because they wouldn't be able to go and see the anime together, that made me cry. And then Hyun came back to his senses after hearing the song, but unfortunately, the older brother didn't ;-; This was sooo good.