It is not a bad end, but it was a very rushed ending. From the moment, Kaito was discovered as the Business Owner till the final act. I expected more from the detective other than to take the discovery as granted. Wished for more turmoil. We are talking about the thief that was terrorizing the city and his reaction was timid, as if he was surrounding to the fact without a fight.
The final scene is not about them getting together but exploring their attraction as love or is it a mere fascination ?

I wouldn’t say most, but often [ 50-60%] they are rushed and this is one of them. An ending is either satisfying and conclusive or rushed and semi- plausible!
I understand what was the direction of the managak but I would prefer if the editor spent more time ensuring that the final product is up to the standards of the previous chapters. One or 2 additional chapters will certainly help the transition

As for Kaito being a reference to Detective Conan, kaito literally just means (phantom) thief. Basically, his name was Thief Hato. I can't tell you if it's a reference or not, though.
I was avoiding this manga because I was afraid of the typical Idiot Cop Vs Clever Thief stereotypes, but this one is funny and cleverly paced.
The mangaka did her/his best to research the materials of the chapters, these extra details elevated the experience as it showed that the mangaka cared about the final produced work!
Along theses adventures, we get to know why is Kaito [ Is it a reference to Kaito Kid from Detective Conan?] stealing these particular artifacts. My favorite part of the chapter is those little moments of chit-chat prior and after the thefts between the cafe owner and the officer in charge. They were entertaining.
In spite of enjoying this adventure, I can’t help but get disappointed about the third part of the plot. Spoilers alert!! Kaito visiting the officer in the hospital after successfully getting the jewel and getting into bed action had no merit on the story. Out of the blue, he decides to go for it! That was unexpected and turned this story to the cliche department! The final chapter was rushed and the end was not conclusive. It was not satisfying!
It was a bad end for a great adventure!