I didn’t hate it. The bare bones out of the beginning? That’s probably my most favorit...

Raimey January 31, 2021 4:08 am

I didn’t hate it. The bare bones out of the beginning? That’s probably my most favorite part. I wish that this had been a longer series about the two of them, like maybe they separate after he tells her he’s going to make sure she finds go to work. They seemed like they would’ve been good friends in the beginning I would’ve appreciated it if this was a slow burn instead of using a tired cliché. I don’t hate the couple I actually like it I enjoy her very much and even he doesn’t get on my nerves. I wish this was longer and it wasn’t so clichéd. If it were a longer series with a few volumes of them being friends and having their own separate journeys and then coming together in the end then it would’ve been perfection. That’s what the beginning and bare-bones of the beginning made it seem like it was possible to go in that direction.
