Hold up

maddienorea January 30, 2021 8:55 pm

Everyone here is bashing the FL for what ok she didn’t want to marry a king so she kinda forced the ML to marry her with power in his interest. He has a mistress that is salty and doesn’t know her place so the FL got disrespected by her later on she gets dragged against her will and god forbid she speak to him the ex fiancé king or whatever and now everyone is mad a her because she talked to the man tf you bashing her for u guys are actually malding from your ass (︶︿︶)=凸

    Annabananababy January 31, 2021 10:44 am

    She did not “kinda force” Regan, she straight up manipulated the situation in her favour. Regan showed strong opposition, clearly stated he did not want to marry her. Despite his MANY refusals she continues pushing him and using her little tricks to force him into this marriage. It’s been mentioned before, but Regan, despite his status as Duke and being male, is vulnerable. As someone who has consistently turned to drugs and alcohol, he is not capable of thinking clearly, his mental state is definitely not stable, thus making him more susceptible to being manipulated. Of course he isn’t perfect himself, he has explosive behaviour and has been harsh to Ingrid on several occasions as well. But when you look at the storyline as a whole, the only person who has actually developed more is Regan. He tries to make Ingrid happy, apologizes whenever he feels guilty (something he would have never done in the beginning), he has distanced himself away from Bella and substance abuse, and tries to accommodate her requests. Meanwhile Ingrid has shown little to no improvements. Her character has remained stagnant. She is the very definition of a hypocrite, escaping an unwanted marriage by forcing somebody else to be in an unwanted marriage with her. I can’t remember a single instance where she has communicated with Regan properly and expressed her feelings or explains her situations. Regan had been searching for her all day and finds her with another man, he asks her why, and if she enjoyed dancing with him instead, she doesn’t say god damn word. Of course he deserves to be mad. I can continue to go on about the double standards, Ingrid is praised and recognized as a strong girl by escaping her marriage through cunning plans, but Regan is bashed for expressing his refusal and anger at Ingrid and she’s always the victim in this marriage? I’d say the real victim in their marriage is Regan, since he never wanted to be a part of it in the first place, it doesn’t matter if the marriage was also in his interest. He. Did. Not. Want. It.

    maddienorea February 1, 2021 4:52 am

    Ok I get u are malding from ur ass in not one word did I say indgrid did not do anything wrong it’s just everyone is bashing her and Reagen was going to forced to marry either way might as well be with someone who is accepting of your life style. This moment of the story there are a lot of misconceptions between the FL and ML , Ingrid feels some type of way because he couldn’t control his mistress and he was upset because she was seen talking to her ex fiancé. See technically none of them are wrong for this situation Reagan can’t control a human being and Ingrid can’t control getting kidnapped. (And if she was kidnapped why not make the best of the situation) (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Z3R0_H3R0 February 4, 2021 7:48 pm
    She did not “kinda force” Regan, she straight up manipulated the situation in her favour. Regan showed strong opposition, clearly stated he did not want to marry her. Despite his MANY refusals she continues... Annabananababy

    True, wise words.

    This last chapter I got so mad for Reagan ;;

    Purple whale February 4, 2021 7:49 pm

    Not being on anyone's side but after Reagan & Ingrid's marriage. He's pretty faithful. Bella is not his mistress (well at least with his married life with Ingrid)

    Z3R0_H3R0 February 4, 2021 7:54 pm
    Not being on anyone's side but after Reagan & Ingrid's marriage. He's pretty faithful. Bella is not his mistress (well at least with his married life with Ingrid) Purple whale

    Not only that!
    You could see when he went to meet his buddy, she'd often flirt with him but he ALWAYS (every since he got married) pushed her away.

    Blackstar February 5, 2021 12:58 am
    She did not “kinda force” Regan, she straight up manipulated the situation in her favour. Regan showed strong opposition, clearly stated he did not want to marry her. Despite his MANY refusals she continues... Annabananababy

    Thank you!!!!!
    At least someone said it!!!