My thoughts so far

Yuri's d1ldo January 30, 2021 7:40 pm

The uke needs fucking therapy, from the flashbacks it's clear that he was physically and sexually abused growing up and he even attempted suicide once. His stupid outward personality is only a shell to protect himself.
There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding happening here with the seme, i think both of them were very much in love with each other during their school days but circumstances led to this and that.
The side seme is pure trash I'm glad uke showed him his place, at first i felt bad for him cuz he seemed to be rlly in love with the uke but now i understand why the uke rejected him.
Also loving the girls so much, can't wait to see how their relationship progresses as well, hope the black hair girl gains the courage to confess and move on from the past.

    lostikins January 31, 2021 1:31 am

    Jaewon more than likely either;

    A. purposefully spread the rumor about Jaewook and his brother 'cause it was all a part of his self-destructive copin' mechanism
    B. decided to take the blame for the rumor spreadin' for the same reason as A

    I do think they were really in love with one another as kids which is why the both of them are strugglin' so bad despite their feelings of spite towards one another. Jaewon is slowly startin' to realize but that self-destructive tendency keeps rearin' its ugly head, and Jaewook (despite the betrayal) more than likely still harbors feelings but between the betrayal and his fucked up "hyung" he's also got a few screws loose that keep tellin' him that the heart poundin' and excitement he feels towards Jaewoon are because of the pain he's inflictin' on him.

    Geuntae is 100% Grade A garbage. I clapped and whooped when Jaewon basically told him to fuck off 'cause Geuntae never really loved him he just loved the idea of keepin' him around as a convenience.

    AND YES!! I WANT SOOJIN TO GO FORTH AND TELL THAT GOOFY REDHEAD THAT SHE LOVES HER. Lowkey I want Yeonhwa to sweep Soojin off her feet if Soojin ever confesses. She gives me reheaded mommy vibes with how she spoils and protects Soojin and it makes my heart melt. I nearly died when she said Soojin was cute for actin' frantic.

    Yuri's d1ldo January 31, 2021 11:15 pm
    Jaewon more than likely either;A. purposefully spread the rumor about Jaewook and his brother 'cause it was all a part of his self-destructive copin' mechanismORB. decided to take the blame for the rumor spread... lostikins

    Omg totally agree with you! i also think geuntae might've been involved with spreading the rumor, maybe he was one of the bullies that messed with jaewook or a sideliner (this theory is pretty shit tbh).

    The redhead definitely likes soonin omg, she's such a mami i love her sm

    lostikins February 1, 2021 7:12 am
    Omg totally agree with you! i also think geuntae might've been involved with spreading the rumor, maybe he was one of the bullies that messed with jaewook or a sideliner (this theory is pretty shit tbh). The re... Yuri's d1ldo

    I'm unsure how long Geuntae has been around. From what I understand he's been around since after high school/when Jaewon was already a workin' adult.

    Tbh Geuntae was trash but that "hyung" of Jaewook's scares tf out of me. He was hella abusive and manipulative of Jaewook as a kid and now he's all creepy clingy with him. Like, I wouldn't be shocked if they revealed that he was sexually abusive towards Jaewook when he was younger-- that's the vibe I get from him---------


    'Cause I've been tryin' to figure out where and how the rumor came about and why out of everyone it had to be Jaewook's hyung that they used but it wouldn't be all that shockin' if someone happened upon somethin' happening between them if the hyung was sexually abusive towards Jaewook. It would make sense, too, if Jaewon was the one to spread it since he would probably be upset if he had already developed feelings at that point.

    Yuri's d1ldo February 2, 2021 4:50 am
    I'm unsure how long Geuntae has been around. From what I understand he's been around since after high school/when Jaewon was already a workin' adult.Tbh Geuntae was trash but that "hyung" of Jaewook's scares tf... lostikins

    Wait you might be just correct! that would explain a lot, that hyung does not give off a good vibe. Geuntae atleast was obvious with his intentions.

    matsurika<3 February 3, 2021 11:26 am

    If u wanna knw spoiler i can give them. I have read tge raws.

    Sara February 8, 2021 12:08 pm
    If u wanna knw spoiler i can give them. I have read tge raws. matsurika<3

    Yes pls spoil :D

    tatiisok February 9, 2021 11:53 pm
    If u wanna knw spoiler i can give them. I have read tge raws. matsurika<3

    pls do

    matsurika<3 February 10, 2021 8:05 am

    I am just dropping the raw.. Sorry but i am on my exams so cant give much time... so i am dropping the raw link.. Ok? Sry

    matsurika<3 February 10, 2021 8:10 am

    And it seems the raw doesnt work.. So i am dropping the major sopiler... Pls understand.










    The seme brobis manipulistic bustard. He's a psycho.. He himself spread the rumors. And he one time pushed the uke down the stairs. So then the uke bcoz of the injury forgot most of the things. And later seme gonna find everything about it. But just then the uke will find out that the seme was taking revenge and it will hurt him bad. I forgot most of things coz i read it a bit waaaay beforw. So forgive me for that. I will give u the actual raw if i find it.
    Thnak you.

    tatiisok February 10, 2021 1:53 pm
    And it seems the raw doesnt work.. So i am dropping the major sopiler... Pls understand. .........The seme brobis manipulistic bustard. He's a psycho.. He himself spread the rumors. And he one time pushed the ... matsurika<3

    oh my god.. that motherfucker