Genuine Question

Rozencchi January 30, 2021 3:29 pm

Yes, rape in real life is not something that can be dismissed easily such as sentencing the perpetrator with a 2 years in prison (I've read from a certain Asian country where someone got away with only that). You'll really drop a good manga because of that when you know in the first place that it's fiction? Everyone has opinions, well anyways...

    Kimina January 30, 2021 3:49 pm

    It actually depends on the story. When rape is romanticised and normalised in the story, thats where the line draws, but if the rape parts were 'necessary' to the story(not normalised and treated as a problem or a crime) and is addressed properly then its ok.
    Try reading kiraide isasete if youre into bl.

    It actually depends on the reader whether theyd drop it or nah but whats important is that we dont tolerate it be it here or irl.

    Kimina January 30, 2021 3:58 pm

    idk ifthat makes sense im ssleepy its 4 am here lol enjoy reading btw