I hope so too, he would deserve it. I would rather have yu’er with that Emperor than that bastard. I hope that concubine gets killed or something, she is super annoying but every single concubine are annoying so yea. Even if they are getting into a healthy relationship, I still would not forget how he treated him, he treats him worse then Suengho treats Nakyum.

For me, the best thing would be either for Yu'er and the seme to end up together but after the seme suffers however he deserves, or for yu'er to travel around the world and live happily with his mother. I would also love it if Yu'er could regain the ability to talk at the end, but since this manga doesn't have magic that's of course impossible.
I have no words. Every one of them is rubish. Especially that pair of siblings. I want someone to rub the truth on the seme's face, and then make yu'er dissapear from his side until he is begging on his feet. Seriously, I can't stand the seme. How dare he go with someone else, while they are fighting. I sincerly hope he pays for the way he is acting.