sooin is a babie January 30, 2021 12:05 pm

I wouldn't mind whoever it is JUST END THIS MISUNDERSTANDING I want dongha to be with someone he likes (that is seonjae) but seonjae is too afraid that dongha might abandoned him uuuuuugh this misunderstanding is killing me

    Good Book Hunting January 30, 2021 12:40 pm

    You got it wrong. Dongha is trying to reject Seonjae. That's y he's avoiding the convo. Have you been skipping chapters? Dongha already made it clear who he actually likes.

    sooin is a babie January 30, 2021 1:46 pm
    You got it wrong. Dongha is trying to reject Seonjae. That's y he's avoiding the convo. Have you been skipping chapters? Dongha already made it clear who he actually likes. Good Book Hunting

    Hold up I remember dongha saying he likes seonjae in the previous chapter tho

    Good Book Hunting January 30, 2021 6:39 pm

    He said he does like him as a person but the one he loves is Juwon. That's the whole reason he ran away - coz Sonjae guilt-tripped him for not liking all of them equally. Then that old guy goes and tells him it's okay to not like everyone equally, which is why he came back.

    sooin is a babie January 31, 2021 2:29 am
    He said he does like him as a person but the one he loves is Juwon. That's the whole reason he ran away - coz Sonjae guilt-tripped him for not liking all of them equally. Then that old guy goes and tells him it... Good Book Hunting

    Aaaah I see, thank you