Usually manhua are the ones with hundreds of chapters (which is quite understandable since every chapter is so short) and then I see this manhwa (a korean comic, which i know isn't really one for dragging things out) with over 200 chapters which made me doubt if it is a good one so i went to the comments section and saw a lot bashing this manhwa. And so, i'll follow everyone's advice in the latest comments section and ignore this one. Thanks ya all and god bless .
Usually manhua are the ones with hundreds of chapters (which is quite understandable since every chapter is so short) and then I see this manhwa (a korean comic, which i know isn't really one for dragging things out) with over 200 chapters which made me doubt if it is a good one so i went to the comments section and saw a lot bashing this manhwa. And so, i'll follow everyone's advice in the latest comments section and ignore this one. Thanks ya all and god bless .