Haven't even read this chapter yet and I agree sm. I honestly do not care if they end up together or not because imo this story (at least to me) is less of a romance and more of a general story. If they end up together, that's cool and I could see it happening if Seungho begins his development right now and not any later. However, I could also see them not getting together towards the end. Notice how the tags don't have romance in them? And yeah if they do end up together, Nakyum would have come to him by himself for himself. I feel like if he were to get with him while things are going this way it would mostly be out of fear not out of genuine feelings. Seungho would feel possession, not love, etc.

I agree! It’s always the little details. This story is set in a historical time zone. Relationships like this is WASNT normal and yes, Seungho would definitely just be possessive. Maybe Nakyum fears being put into such a high class. Especially since from his past experience, no people of a High Rank have treated him with care or respect.
This is just my personal opinion but after these chapters that have been VERY NECESSARY and eye-opening for both Nakyum and Seungho, I believe the chances of them ending up together is quite slim. I believe Seungho will let Nakyum go. We all know that Seungho has a past that obviously brought him to his current state, and though it’s not an excuse, that’s why some still like him even the slightest bit. I think they’ll both need a break, which’ll happen IF Seungho lets him go. They both will have time to think, reflect and look for the future. If they could get together, I think Nakyum will go back on their own. Why is all the official art so happy? Is the author doing it for fun or is it because that’s how they’ll actually end up? I believe Nakyum will go through an event that changes his mind, ofc Seugho better change a whole lot back then. And he will go back. They’ll find their happiness ig, but after everyone like Min and Jihwa is thrown out the way although I have I want them to be together, but also don’t, I think if they don’t end up together, that’d be because either Seungho didn’t change, something insane happens, or maybe even Nakyum’s life as the “wife” of a lord, wouldn’t be good. But. The author has worked hard, I just hope Mr Kim, Heena, and our baby Nakyum get a happy ending. Ig Seungho too? Who knows.