I feel so bad for...

Yesterly January 30, 2021 2:27 am

Tachibana, Adachi took advantage of him while he was drunk, pretending it didn't happen the next morning, confessed that he actually liked him, then dumped him with the excuse that he only helped him fulfill his revenge fantasy, THEN confessed again that he lied so please forgive me and love me.

All the while Tachibana had to be the one who did all the chasing, having to endure his emotional outbursts, being dumped for no reason when he had actually fallen for real, THEN he also had to go on a wild goose chase to find him again while Adachi himself never took the first step to actually do something. In the end he felt guilty for never realizing Adachi's feeling before as if he could know about it when Adachi himself was contend to stay in his perpetual Tachibana would never love me-hood.

The art is hot tho :x

    Haruto January 31, 2021 11:56 pm

    Well, in my opinion, Adachi is not at fault and his actions were reasonable. Adachi gave up tachibana because he might get involve in all the troubles adachi is facing (stalking stuff). Adachi knows that tachibana is originally straight so adachi thought it was better to leave thinking that tachibana will be safe and be happier.

    Fuckbitchsgetmoney February 1, 2021 9:03 pm

    You’re definitely not wrong. People are so quick to fight a seme if the roles were reversed but when the seme’s the one not in the right mind it’s okay? Lmaooo but it is all just yaoi logic

    Lilypon February 6, 2021 8:33 am

    Literally i had the same thoughts! He manipulated him so much but oh well no one would cares that much about the seme if he isn’t a crybaby