(▰˘◡˘▰) haha I'm glad to see you agree as well, dear stranger!
People here be coming from tiktok or woke Twitter and forcing their own theories and ideas on what everyone should read and think and bashing on and on about this and that after every chapter...
It is legit so annoying. They can go back to Twitter to do moral upstanding...
They think people can't distinguish between real life and fiction (like them) and actually oppose the term "yaoi" itself, and if you're straight and you like reading bl, they think you're automatically "fetishizing" it...
Jesus, and don't even get me started on the shipping police. Or the plot or consent police...they don't get that not everyone shares their viewpoints and are actually reading it for the story (no matter how fucked up it is)
They've ruined so many mangas by commenting stupid woke shit there.
Sorry rant over ( ̄へ ̄)

There are so many of us on here who totally agree with Tsunmimi, Brysephone, and you.
I do not understand the sudden invasion of the complainers. I miss the days when one could read Yaoi and just be happy. I also miss scrolling through the comments and seeing intelligent and interesting discussions about the update, author, or genre itself.
What exactly do these Crusaders For Fictional Justice think Yaoi is?
I enjoy everything about Yaoi. I think most of them do not have life experience and/or have the ability to distinguish fiction from reality.
I will continue reading my beloved Yaoi, filled with all of the “awful” things I love. Rape, love, consent, cheating, fluff, manipulation, romance, obsessive semes....the list goes on and on.......my preferences in BL/Yaoi, as an ADULT and a contributing person in society, will not be kept a secret nor will I EVER feel ashamed for reading fictional stories.
I sure the hell will not let a bunch of children, who have no business being on this site in the first place, make me feel bad about anything I like.
I also refuse to let adults, who are allowed to be on this site, tell me I am a horrible person for liking Yaoi.
Unfortunately, they are free to share opinions but I am with you guys.......kind of tired of all of the life sucking, negative energy found on mangago lately. However, it will not stop me, I just have to ignore 90% of the comments now.

Dude....your comment made me so emotional because I'm right now in the same position.
Every single word you wrote resonates with me. I'm sooooo sick of these people - they even have a problem with the WORD yaoi...lmao and they say if you're "straight" and you read BL, you're automatically fetishizing it. Not to mention how discriminatory it is, it is just "hetero-phobia" like, are only gay people supposed to read or write gay fiction?
Also what makes gay fiction stand out is its controversial and psychological themes in it. Even the fucked up shit - no one in their right mind would say in reality those things are correct, but in stories characters are written so you can build plot and character.
They think only THEY have the capability of saying what is real and what is fiction - every single chapter is revolting to them and they keep reading it to keep hating on the manga and the author (who btw wouldn't always be gay) and they say they're "normalizing' and "fetishizing" rape and other shit. COMPLETELY MISSING THE WHOLE POINT OF FICTION.
They hate any counter-arguments...they're a bunch of FASCISTS.
I'm sure every adult here - gay or otherwise - knows that rape in fiction and irl is way different. People here are so hypocritical and annoying about preaching like they're the only ones who think it's wrong.
Tbh I was thinking of stopping reading mangas on mangago because of these losers who are migrating here from tiktok or woke Twitter, and ruin it here for everyone. They're coming over in hoards which is pretty sickening. They're the ones guilty of everything they accuse everyone else of...that's why they think they have the authority to dictate what other people can like or don't like or read or don't read. A bunch of snot-faced tumblr and twitter fascists in the the making.
I stopped reading POTN because the comment section there is full of such idiots. Fuck that shit. Wish we could disable comments here.

PLEASE do not stop reading the things you love on Mangago or even worse, leave! All of us here who come to relax and read good Yaoi understand exactly how you feel. This is the place I come to escape from real life and a pack of self righteous, ignorant individuals will not ruin it for me. I am just sad because they are missing out on all of the fun Yaoi is.
I have not read POTN but I am aware it causes comment wars. I know the art is beautiful and the artist put their all into it so you should enjoy it to the fullest. Read what you like and fuck everyone else.
Every other story or update I read ALWAYS has those individuals spewing ignorance and hate in the comments. They throw out words and ideas they honestly know nothing about.
I comment on what I like and do not engage with anyone who is not putting our positive energy or joy! I just ignore them, it is really hard sometimes, but you cannot reason with crazy.
You can NEVER make them understand no matter how factual and logical your comments are. They do seem to have the mentality of some kind of brainwashed cult. Perhaps, like we have all mentioned, they should have researched Yaoi extensively beforehand. We cannot change the fact they are here, but I am staying to enjoy smutty sexy reading material.
Please stay, read with us and get back to your beloved POTN (just stay away from the comments). There as so many stories I love and they get tons of hate but I just stay happy and pray the updates keep coming!

Thank you so much for your encouragement and for all your kind words ┗( T﹏T )┛ I'm so touched and emotional rn...
I was honestly so tired of it all. This has been my sanctuary for so many years and you're right, we could escape from real life and have provocative discussions about the complex plot or even taboo topics in bl genre in general...I tried reading POTN again but seriously, I can't stand how much hate it gets after single chapter. Like it has been clear from the 1st chapter that it will be a fucked up psychological manga and idk what people keep expecting it to turn into a fluff romance...and you can't even talk about the plot deviation or anything since all they rant about every chapter is how much they hate it and hate the main lead because he's a complex character that doesn't meet their "good guy" standards. Nobody cares about the story and all they see is rape and what a "victim" the uke is. Like, the story is more than just sex lol. Tbh... I'll read it after it's over so the comments stop irritating me after every chapter. But I loved it so much since I was reading it since the 1st chapter came out and began hating it because of the toxic PC fandom. Hating something you loved because of other annoying assholes is just...
Fuck that shit. Thank you so much and I'll keep your words in mind. Thank you! I'm very very happy that there are some sane people left here.

Shizu-chan, Foxglove AHHH you guys took all the words out of my mouth!! I honestly thought I was the only thinking like this. I once saw this comment saying “if it says ‘for mature audience’ then it’s for mature audience don’t read if you know you’ll be disturbed and complain about it” which I again agree with :D I ignore comments now because everyone thinks yaoi is only about rape I just completely stop reading comments.

There's no rape scenes here. Their sexy times are all done with consent. What is wrong with these ignorant fools? YAOI genre are for those cool and fun people adults only, and not for those who only know how to complain! Shame on these people! For those who love and support YAOI genre regardless of the plot, I love you all!

There's no rape scenes here. Their sexy times are all done with consent. What is wrong with these ignorant fools? YAOI genre are for those cool and fun adults only, and not for those who only know how to complain! Shame on these people! For those who love and support YAOI genre regardless of the plot, I love you all!

Apparently these people believe (in other yaois as well) that smacking ass in the middle of sex, WITHOUT CONSENT (hahaha) is rape. And you can REVOKE consent inside your own head in the middle of having sex and claim rape...
Like that's what they believe. They believe smacking ass should be consented or it's not acceptable. These snot-faced virgin fascists.
And I swear if anyone says there are rape scenes I’m gonna waste you....like what is wrong with y’all do you guys just like shouting rape every damn time it’s like if the seme isn’t a trash bag then y’all don’t rest and must look for something to trash them about ...so annoying just stop it okay