Well about the time i started reading yaoi, my older brother started reading yuri (it was something of a pact? between us :'D )
And while he likes it, i must say that i like yaoi more (a lot more (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 )
I suppose he likes the hot chicks, idk he doesn't like to talk about stuff he reads ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ , that pretty much goes for everything he reads tho, not just manga

I don't read yuri, but if it is romantic manga written for lesbians by other women, it probably won't attract many male readers. Just like most gay men don't like yaoi, because they aren't the target readership base (for the most part; there are always exceptions, of course.) Gay men have their own porn and it's quite different. I'm sure there are even anthropologists who have codified the differences. I've seen woman-on-woman sex filmed by a male audience for the male gaze. It's a different sort of aesthetic. I doubt it does much for lesbians except leave them out of the picture.

Umm ... there is no correlation between the two styles, according to literature on the subject ( http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/04/lesbian-sexuality-male-gaze/)
It sounds like yuri is just another form of ecchi/hentai, ie., written for men.
Well I wanted to know that if girl like yaoi, thent do men like yuri the same way, or is it just girl that are this way for some reason? ^-^