Kidnap scenes January 29, 2021 6:45 pm

Id rather wait for a well thought out story than a quick short scene every week. Personally I think Byeonduck took the right actions in the past couple weeks. The kidnapping chapters may seem long and short, but you can also see it in the pov of nakyum being kidnapped. In that sort of situation the victim wouldn’t know how long he’s been kidnapped (multiple chapters). Because of the mental stress from the victim their memories may have been psychologically blocked (localized dissociative amnesia), hence why the chapters were short. Or maybe im just too nice an it was just bad execution of the scene lololol. Ngl tho it did feel like it took a whole year to endure those chapters because of the wait.

    Natsumi_ January 29, 2021 7:17 pm

    You overestimate the author. They felt short because they were actually short, the story is dragged on.