Um why y’all Hating on in suh tf

Sac of ramen noodles January 29, 2021 4:23 pm

Why y’all hatin on In Suh tf. I find their relationship interesting and pretty sad. I feel so bad for him. Like imagine your partner no longer like u because of things goin on with him but like they don’t say shit so you’re just hanging around. My guy has a career n to boot HES an idol a mf celebrity. They needa work they relationship out. Ion give af bout muscle man rn. I love him but idc bout him I’m more concerned bout In sun tf. Also wat has he done that makes him manipulative cause I think I missed that part. The only thing I see in the comments is that some of you refer to when he said “I can’t live without you” is that really manipulative doesn’t everybody say that. Like I can’t live without my friends or cant live without blah blah blah tf y’all weird

    ~Shiro°∆°~ January 29, 2021 5:28 pm

    They hinted that in such cheated. We could just be overthinking but in one of the chapters he did a love shot with the director

    gabeitch January 29, 2021 6:50 pm

    In Suh is literally manipulative and the reason his boyfriend is in a school he hates and can’t pursue what he loves. He’s effectively ruined his life. Fuck In Suh for thinking he’s owed anything.

    xxkurokoxx January 29, 2021 7:24 pm

    He literally said he would kill himself if they broke up, that’s hella manipulative and toxic. Bf wanted to get away from these bad vibes but In Suk’s crusty ass literally forced him to stay in this relationship otherwise he’d be drowned in guilt for letting him commit suicide.

    Sac of ramen noodles January 29, 2021 8:38 pm
    In Suh is literally manipulative and the reason his boyfriend is in a school he hates and can’t pursue what he loves. He’s effectively ruined his life. Fuck In Suh for thinking he’s owed anything. gabeitch

    I’m sorry did I miss a chapter was it not his father that said if you still wanna be with your boyfriend then do wat I want and that’s why he had to give up piano n his dreams. When did In suh say “do this for me, listen to your father” or any indication of that? Isn’t the reason the MC in a school he hates is because his father is homophobic and selfish like wat???

    Sac of ramen noodles January 29, 2021 8:42 pm
    They hinted that in such cheated. We could just be overthinking but in one of the chapters he did a love shot with the director ~Shiro°∆°~

    OK if he cheated I understand then he’s complete shit but if it’s a love shot with the director isn’t he a celebrity, isn’t he an actor or singer like isn’t he doing a little bit of everything isn’t he famous would it be a surprise if he did that. I don’t mean like if he slept with the director to get on his good side I don’t mean something like that because that is cheating (although I don’t really have anything against people who sleep their way to the top) but you said “love shot” meaning filmed? So I’m thinking it was for like Yk like a movie or show or sum. For example like how actors/actresses in the real world are married but they still do love scenes with other actors/actresses because it’s “acting”.

    Sac of ramen noodles January 29, 2021 8:49 pm
    He literally said he would kill himself if they broke up, that’s hella manipulative and toxic. Bf wanted to get away from these bad vibes but In Suk’s crusty ass literally forced him to stay in this relatio... xxkurokoxx

    Girl I’m not gonna lie I’m sorry but needless to say that’s not what I’m seeing. What I’m saying is because of a homophobic father he basically got coerced Into leaving his dreams to go to a law school to be able to stay with his boyfriend that he loved and cared for at the time. Now time goes on and while the boyfriend still gets to pursue his dreams because there’s no indication that he has homophobic parents getting in his way. And with that like any regular human being in a relationship the other party gets sad because it’s like I had to give up my dreams to be with you and it’s it’s like we’re not even here for each other all the time because of your career you’re always busy like you’re a mf celebrity. So I’m by myself going through things and it hurts to see you succeed because I wasn’t able to go after my dream. And with that it just hurts to be with you because I formed a toxic mentality that isn’t even my fault. And this relationship is breaking because of your career and your absence. But I’m not saying that In Suh is like all the way innocent but I don’t really see anything bad that he’s done right now. The only thing I am seeing is like he has a little bit of an attitude. And some people are like when he said if you wanna break up then just break up with me was it bad that he said that like that’s a majority of what people would say. Like I’m not gettin all this slander against him cause u ain’t seein it.

    ~Shiro°∆°~ January 29, 2021 8:55 pm
    OK if he cheated I understand then he’s complete shit but if it’s a love shot with the director isn’t he a celebrity, isn’t he an actor or singer like isn’t he doing a little bit of everything isn’t... Sac of ramen noodles

    No lovey or as in the alcohol one where they link arms while taking a shot. It’s not confirmed that he cheated but some speculate he did. But even if he didn’t he’s still manipulating the mc

    Sac of ramen noodles January 29, 2021 8:57 pm
    No lovey or as in the alcohol one where they link arms while taking a shot. It’s not confirmed that he cheated but some speculate he did. But even if he didn’t he’s still manipulating the mc ~Shiro°∆°~

    Well okie ig I have to see how this develops cause when I tell u a bitch confused a bitch is confused. Thanks for answering luv

    gabeitch January 29, 2021 11:14 pm
    I’m sorry did I miss a chapter was it not his father that said if you still wanna be with your boyfriend then do wat I want and that’s why he had to give up piano n his dreams. When did In suh say “do thi... Sac of ramen noodles

    All of that BECAUSE of In Suh. If he loved the MC he would’ve broken up with him so he could do what he loves- In Suh even admits he’s been holding on and holding him back, the relationship is loveless, all he does is cause the MC stress and then get upset when the MC gets tired of him. Now he’s gonna be rude to Yechan because he’s jealous? He fucking sucks.

    Sac of ramen noodles January 30, 2021 5:46 am
    All of that BECAUSE of In Suh. If he loved the MC he would’ve broken up with him so he could do what he loves- In Suh even admits he’s been holding on and holding him back, the relationship is loveless, all... gabeitch

    After reading that yeah I do agree because I wouldn’t want to hold someone back also I wouldn’t be OK with me being able to follow my dream even though my significant other can’t I’d feel too guilty especially since the reason you can’t is because your family didn’t except u and you had to choose either me or yourself. But I’m not gonna be that harsh on In Suh for not giving up his dream cause I mean who would but Yeah he should’ve broken up with MC so he could do what he loves but who’s to say that the MC in that time and moment like would want that. But most likely you’re right if they broke up I think it would’ve had a better ending because years would’ve passed and then the MC would’ve been grateful that they broke up because they both are successful and both of them got to go after their dream and then like once he’s out of his homophobic fathers view then they couldn’t gotten bk together or sum. But I’m still not going to lie to me the real villain is the father. people need to speak more about the father because I want to like choke him. Like I don’t know why parents think they have the audacity to say the shit they say