Why is everyone still bashing the male lead if they don't like him.

KaSaHa January 29, 2021 12:40 pm

Hah... I'm so tired with this cycle. Guys if you don't like the Male lead, just drop it okay. Search for a perfect male lead according to your preferences. You don't have to bash the author or the male lead.
I don't understand why are you still hangin around in this webtoon if you don't like the male lead? Tsk tsk...

    sel January 29, 2021 1:12 pm

    exactly, it‘s just disrespectful go the author

    Ryoto_chan January 29, 2021 1:44 pm

    Shot meant to dislike my bad

    KaSaHa January 29, 2021 2:00 pm
    exactly, it‘s just disrespectful go the author sel

    That's my point. It's not easy making this works.

    Ryoto_chan January 29, 2021 2:48 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! i decline pussy.


    ranooda.j January 29, 2021 7:18 pm

    that's not the point, you can still like a story and dislike a character at the same time.

    KaSaHa January 30, 2021 4:40 am
    that's not the point, you can still like a story and dislike a character at the same time. ranooda.j

    Well if you dislike the main chara you obviously don't like the story. Usually...
    And I just want people to appreciate the works. Not just bashing and bad mouthing because of what they don't like.

    ranooda.j January 30, 2021 11:41 pm
    Well if you dislike the main chara you obviously don't like the story. Usually... And I just want people to appreciate the works. Not just bashing and bad mouthing because of what they don't like. KaSaHa

    I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree. There are many characters in this story that we can like. Not liking one of the mains isn't gonna stop someone from liking the plot or the story. For example people like death note while not liking light yagami. Tbh your point does not make a lot of sense. Many shows and stories are enjoyable even if they have characters that some people may not like.

    KaSaHa January 31, 2021 4:21 am
    I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree. There are many characters in this story that we can like. Not liking one of the mains isn't gonna stop someone from liking the plot or the story. For example people like... ranooda.j

    Don't use a different genre. That's action not romance. With a romance genre you will have to put up with the main pair to be able to read it. Because the whole story revolves around them. Whatever. My point is people can appreciates work. Not making any sense? So rude...

    ranooda.j January 31, 2021 4:57 am
    Don't use a different genre. That's action not romance. With a romance genre you will have to put up with the main pair to be able to read it. Because the whole story revolves around them. Whatever. My point is... KaSaHa

    Rude how? I said respectfully disagree. And no, it can most definitely apply to romance. If the plot is good and a reader likes it enough they put up with the characters they dislike. Just because I don't like Keith from kiss me, liar does not mean I hate the story. I actually really like it and get excited when it gets updated. I'm sorry I don't like Yahwi the rapist? "Not making any sense?" Who's actually the rude one?