I've seen this pic a coupoe of times before on weibo, but I never drew conclusions of it...whoever you are, can I say that I fucking love you? Maybe the ruffled sheets aremcoz of their wild night...or A Xi is a very messy person. Tho he don't seem like it. (=,=)
Guys help I don't see it
But Jian Yi was wearing his uniform when he went missing and in he's clearly wearing a normal black t shirt in that one. Well, except if old xian's gonna be a dick, AGAIN, and change the clothing... I don't know.. I'm just... i caNT. ;-;
Omg I didn't notice that the picture was form 2014, thank you! But it must have some kind of meaning, I mean, he is naked... Idk, we'll see. And yes I knew about that kiss picture you mentioned, I was just guessing what happened before getting to that point of the story, 3 years later.
Thank you for the comment :3
I found this a while ago and maaaaaan now I'm making assumptions because of this new chapter.
What if after this awkward night... Jian Yi disappears the next morning?