I wonder if this is leading up to the exact time when Jian dissappears. He gets taken righ...

gluedtothekindle December 3, 2015 11:53 pm

I wonder if this is leading up to the exact time when Jian dissappears. He gets taken right before Zhan catches up to him?

    Viira December 4, 2015 12:11 am

    I don't know if my heart could take that

    Anonymous December 4, 2015 12:56 am

    They are not in high school yet

    Viira December 4, 2015 2:35 am
    They are not in high school yet @Anonymous

    good point

    Yade December 4, 2015 9:01 am
    They are not in high school yet @Anonymous

    excatly, the didnt have holidays and didnt graduate middle school, and yi was taken away in the morning not in pouring rainy night

    Anonymous December 4, 2015 10:27 pm
    good point Viira

    Just sit back and relax, there's still a lot to come :D

    Null December 5, 2015 4:08 am

    Wait what do u mean how do u know this and are they in middle school? What do u mean not in high school

    gluedtothekindle December 6, 2015 9:06 pm

    Ahhh...that's right. I keep forgetting the middle school / high school thing.