A deep question

CosAniMan January 28, 2021 10:44 pm

OK SO... I get that there are people out there who think that killing people for revenge is ok, but for me I wonder on what level? Like you know an eye for an eye, an arm or an arm, a life for a life sort of stuff. If bullied take revenge by bullying them back or ruining their future exposing them what they did.

Like for the MC here he is killing the people who bullied and literally planed his family's death just because they were upset that their "play thing" was being taken away. So I would understand that the MC killing them would be reasonable because why did they kill the MC's family in the first place.

But was there more to it that we don't understand yet to why they bullied and killed the MC's family? Was the MV of the story just jealous of the MC's life that the MV thought that they had to ruin his to make the MC feel what he feels? When we know nothing yet of all the other characters who bullied the MC and what led them up to killing his family.

    Coldpotatoes January 28, 2021 10:57 pm

    In the beginning the MV stated she wanted to be the first ever person to kill someone for no reason because she said everyone has a motive or reason for killing buh she wanted to kill just to kill so she picked him out of random to see how much it would take for him to kill himself then when he moved she didn’t like that so she decided to kill his family to see how he would react

    Coldpotatoes January 28, 2021 11:06 pm

    so personally i jus think she just a primary psychopath, because she literally shows no emotion or signs of fear or anxiety and manipulates to get personal gain.

    CosAniMan January 29, 2021 12:37 am
    In the beginning the MV stated she wanted to be the first ever person to kill someone for no reason because she said everyone has a motive or reason for killing buh she wanted to kill just to kill so she picked... Coldpotatoes

    But it still makes me curious as to what the MV's background was like because each time the MC gets one of his targets he knows their history of what they were doing up to that point. But I guess I'll have to wait till he gets to the MV. (/TДT)/

    CosAniMan January 29, 2021 12:40 am
    so personally i jus think she just a primary psychopath, because she literally shows no emotion or signs of fear or anxiety and manipulates to get personal gain. Coldpotatoes

    Honestly, you are probably right, but I just want to know the thought process of why she decided "oh yeah, I really want to kill this person for no particular reason at all."

    Coldpotatoes January 29, 2021 6:16 am
    But it still makes me curious as to what the MV's background was like because each time the MC gets one of his targets he knows their history of what they were doing up to that point. But I guess I'll have to w... CosAniMan

    In the beginning she stated she was raised in a normal household. It’s not uncommon for this to happen for example Ted Bundy grew up in a normal home jus for him to turn out a serial killer because he had that desire building up in him, i think the same applies for the MV tho i agree i hope to find out that she has more depth as to why she is that way

    guu January 29, 2021 11:47 am
    But it still makes me curious as to what the MV's background was like because each time the MC gets one of his targets he knows their history of what they were doing up to that point. But I guess I'll have to w... CosAniMan

    yes but she could always have no specific backstory. she could have done this for that reason alone, her very own science experiment. she's just fucked in the head
    then again, depth would be nice but they better not dare try making us pity her