When Han said “we both enjoyed it” BITCH- I almost walked out my room but YOU Han YOU ...

Firee24skrrt January 28, 2021 9:59 pm

When Han said “we both enjoyed it” BITCH- I almost walked out my room but YOU Han YOU need to get the fuck out of my screen

    HarleyQRaven January 28, 2021 10:01 pm

    But...but Param admitted that he enjoyed it

    Fey January 28, 2021 10:02 pm

    this. I'm so tired of seeing his ass can he just vanish thank you

    Digbicks January 28, 2021 10:06 pm
    this. I'm so tired of seeing his ass can he just vanish thank you Fey

    FOR REAL godayum (;´༎ٹ༎`)

    X-xToleratedx-X January 28, 2021 10:16 pm
    But...but Param admitted that he enjoyed it HarleyQRaven

    Yes, BUT. He has the empathy capacity of a brick. It was like a contest for him between him and Hwi. He knew Hwi got hurt and now he's like: "Eh who cares we both enjoyed it." It makes me wanna stick a torch up his ass.

    yourfriendlyneighbourhoodkille January 28, 2021 11:57 pm
    Yes, BUT. He has the empathy capacity of a brick. It was like a contest for him between him and Hwi. He knew Hwi got hurt and now he's like: "Eh who cares we both enjoyed it." It makes me wanna stick a torch up... X-xToleratedx-X

    dont lube it it'll hurt more

    HarleyQRaven January 29, 2021 2:29 am
    Yes, BUT. He has the empathy capacity of a brick. It was like a contest for him between him and Hwi. He knew Hwi got hurt and now he's like: "Eh who cares we both enjoyed it." It makes me wanna stick a torch up... X-xToleratedx-X

    Lol. Dont get me wrong. I totally dislike Han. But this moment Param and only Param is on my sh*t list.