I wish it Will be like that *sigh* the manga is good but there are soooo many thing lacking. The best friend of Joseph, he was an important character but the author deleted him like that, like pafff, honeslty i thought that the first meeting between Joseph and Glen was a meaninful or interesting meeting or impression, their conversation was just cliché

Seriously! Where is Vincent? The author showed their healthy friendship of 10 years but After pafff! As if their strong bond has the same value as toilet papers! And what bothers me was: when Joseph said To himself that he did not want To bother his aunt and best friend for the stalker case but he accepted the help and "bothered" glenn, a stranger! Like seriously author-san you crushed the High expectations we had for this webtoon like the friendship of Joseph and Vincent
Plot twist: Joseph is faking his feelings to take his revenge on Glen.