
MRS.BAGFACE January 28, 2021 5:26 am

Am I the only one that isn't enjoying this manga as much? I just feel like it's really drawn out and it's so repetitive. Also, the MC is taking forever to grow up. I feel uncomfortable reading a story about a bunch of minors falling in love. It's also such a predictable haram, it's really obvious who the end game is

    Mirabella January 28, 2021 5:38 am

    I wish the mc grows up quicklyyy

    MRS.BAGFACE January 28, 2021 8:05 am
    I wish the mc grows up quicklyyy Mirabella

    Same! ヽ(`Д´)ノ It feels really wired shipping minors together

    No manga no life January 28, 2021 10:02 am
    Same! ヽ(`Д´)ノ It feels really wired shipping minors together MRS.BAGFACE


    Shana Izumi January 28, 2021 1:05 pm

    Go read a novel, of u guys want to

    ramenmagie January 28, 2021 3:54 pm
    Go read a novel, of u guys want to Shana Izumi

    where can i read the novel of this manhwa?

    MRS.BAGFACE January 28, 2021 5:13 pm
    Go read a novel, of u guys want to Shana Izumi

    Ooo! Is the novel farther ahead? And where can we read the novel?

    fairyxgirl January 28, 2021 5:37 pm

    What bothers me is shipping with such differences in age and maturity. I mean I dont ship it but supposedly romantic moments are being shoved diwn my throat