Don't worry too much! Most people don't know what they should do either. If you need to work, work for the time being. But if you have the means to, I recommend studying as much as you possibly can. There's so much to learn from school, but of course there's more to learn from experience.
The only way to find out what you want to do is to keep doing different things. I've accumulated a few new skills by doing this. It's a good way to narrow down your choices! Good luck!

Im almost in the same position exept im babysitting my Sister kids so she gives me a lil money for it but only because like you i dont know what to do i want to keep studying but i dont know what of how to even start
it is a bit depressing so i understand
maybe you can start with a short career like those that last only a few months

What is blocking you?
Is it structural? Something like, "I can't go to school unless I earn X-dollars, but I can't earn X-dollars unless I have a degree"? Or, "My family won't help me unless I marry and have children, but if I do that, then I won't be able to pursue the career I want which is the only reason I need their support in the first place"? Sometimes people find themselves in structural gridlocks where external boundaries block their ability to make progress. Those need to be identified before they can be worked through.
Is it emotional? Are you in depression? Do you feel helpless and hopeless? Is it difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning? When you think of the future, is it with dread and anxiety? The treatment for those feelings depends on the degree to which you are transfixed by them. Some solutions work with cognitive therapy. Others may require medication.
Is it a cultural limitation? Religious? Political? Do you need to change your social milieu in order to overcome your problems?
Is it a mental block? Do you lack the skills and experience to make changes that will help?
Is it spiritual? Do you need to atone and make amends to someone you've hurt? If you've tried and it's impossible to be forgiven by those involved, is there a way to reconcile with the damage it's doing to you in such a way that you can work off the consequences and achieve liberty through indirect means, like acts of kindness toward others?
It's difficult (and painful) to spend some time looking at the challenges you need to overcome, but this is a very important step toward making positive changes. The knowledge of what blocks you will also help us understand your situation better so we can offer advice that might actually be of use to you.

wow i'm currently a neet right now too. i got depressed and can't focus on anything so i had to stop studying or i'll just waste more money. i'm going back to college next semester and i plan to find a job after the new years. then next semester, i plan on doing both... after i recover of course. i hope you find a way for your situation (▰˘◡˘▰)

well, doing both is risky, since there'll come times when you have mixed schedule. so, i recommended doing the one you can do first. if you're living with someone, bother them a little by furthering your education(you will earn job easier with higher education) but if you are living alone, working is the best choice.. but if you can balancing the time, both will be great

Never do anything YOU dont want to do.dont be pushed into something because its what everyones doing or its whats expected of you.we never really have all the answers.it is human nature.there is no wrong answer in this situation because you are an individual and you function diffrently than we do so your decision will be different from ours but its yours to make.
sorry for posting something unrelated, but i felt like if i don't say this out, i feel like i can't move on. (>~<)
currently i living sort like a neet, for i'm uncertain whether i should further my study or go work. this caused me to be slightly depressed. i have no one i can talk to about this feeling, as every time someone ask me about i will doing, i can't really answered them.