edit: at everyone eho got mad im so so sorry i fr didnt mean it in that way i was joking...

joymmm January 28, 2021 3:07 am

edit: at everyone eho got mad im so so sorry
i fr didnt mean it in that way
i was joking about how his face was covered at the end and pretty took my joke way too far

i undeestand and i completely am thankful for the person sharing the bl
i swear i didnt mean it that way i joke with my friends like that and ig saying it out like that made me realize how wrong that shit it is

again i apologise fr

edit 2: @ the ppl fighting in the comments please- please stop-

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 2:49 am
    Wym??? I came because I was reading the Dr.Stone Manga and wanted to see the comments on hate and love and saw something about blurr you don’t even support the author but come to bash me?? Shut the duck up ug... yrn

    Bark more hun, bark more. I am currently climbing Mt Everest to find who the fuck bashed you, if you are talking about the comment of not supporting,its not considered as bashing she is just telling you to not be a hypocrite, if you think you are not you won't be so pressed like you are, you immature filled with shit head, just continue to bark.

    yrn January 28, 2021 2:49 am
    also youre being really rude and aggressive and lashing out by calling other ppl names, when you were never involved here in the first place. gardenfairy

    they came for me first and started calling me names when all I said it was kind of disrespectful.. tf??

    yrn January 28, 2021 2:49 am
    also youre being really rude and aggressive and lashing out by calling other ppl names, when you were never involved here in the first place. gardenfairy

    do you not read???

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 2:52 am
    um this is a free country I can say whatever tf I wanna say y’all the ones with attitudes attacking people in the comments. Do you support the authors? Just a question yrn

    Ofcourse but we ain't hypocrite like you, we don't bark like you at least, besides can you tell me why are you so pressed when my comment wasn't even for you I even mention 'ik it is wrong but' I bet you are just some kid with zero sense of being mature, get the fuck outta here and continue reading Dr stone, :)

    yrn January 28, 2021 2:55 am
    Ofcourse but we ain't hypocrite like you, we don't bark like you at least, besides can you tell me why are you so pressed when my comment wasn't even for you I even mention 'ik it is wrong but' I bet you are ju... Fujoneko

    girl you could’ve ignored my comment ?? it wasn’t a big deal to get 3 people attacking me sayinng useless shit tf?? If you’re so mad at my comment why are you reading on an illegal website suck on this dick bitch cmon I can go all day js

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 2:55 am
    they came for me first and started calling me names when all I said it was kind of disrespectful.. tf?? yrn

    Stfu ass cunt, no one ever said anything disrespectful in the beginning, you just need a new brain.

    yrn January 28, 2021 2:58 am
    Stfu ass cunt, no one ever said anything disrespectful in the beginning, you just need a new brain. Fujoneko

    You mad?? huh honey how about you log off if your that mad dumb ass bitch i’m laughing through the screen of how mad you are cause I said it was disrespectful. Then 3 people are attacking a single person ONLINE because they said sum that they probably didn’t mean come suck this dick daddy

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 2:59 am
    girl you could’ve ignored my comment ?? it wasn’t a big deal to get 3 people attacking me sayinng useless shit tf?? If you’re so mad at my comment why are you reading on an illegal website suck on this di... yrn

    Again, Jesus Christ. Just how immature are you? Please come back after you get a new brain and glasses, you are just making me go round in circles, explaining to an immature cocky bastard like you is futile, stop clowning yourself more please. You need to read my comment back to get an answer for that as I do not want to write it back for a human with wrost reading skills than a dog.
    I could've ignore your comment when you pin point me outta the blue? No bitch no. I ain't ignoring that. Pfft.

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 3:00 am
    You mad?? huh honey how about you log off if your that mad dumb ass bitch i’m laughing through the screen of how mad you are cause I said it was disrespectful. Then 3 people are attacking a single person ONLI... yrn

    If I was mad I would have wrote essays, but nah ain't gonna waste my time on a dumb immature shit like you.

    yrn January 28, 2021 3:01 am
    Again, Jesus Christ. Just how immature are you? Please come back after you get a new brain and glasses, you are just making me go round in circles, explaining to an immature cocky bastard like you is futile, ... Fujoneko

    Nana boo boo you’re mad at someone online I really don’t give a fuck continue being mad matter of fact come here let mommy give you a kiss dumbfuck. You gon call me immature online.. whew as if you knew me irl judging me based off a comment LOOKL

    wonuyaaa January 28, 2021 3:02 am
    um this is a free country I can say whatever tf I wanna say y’all the ones with attitudes attacking people in the comments. Do you support the authors? Just a question yrn

    yes we support the author. why are you randomly showing up to tell ppl to shut the fuck up, and calling them names when WE ARE NOT TALKING TO YOU??? I dont care if its a free country, youre being flat out rude and makinv unnecessary replies.

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 3:03 am
    Nana boo boo you’re mad at someone online I really don’t give a fuck continue being mad matter of fact come here let mommy give you a kiss dumbfuck. You gon call me immature online.. whew as if you knew me ... yrn

    Bark more.

    wonuyaaa January 28, 2021 3:03 am
    If I was mad I would have wrote essays, but nah ain't gonna waste my time on a dumb immature shit like you. Fujoneko

    Hey Fujoneko, I think its just best to block them. Not worth the time. They act like a little kid that doesnt know how to act civil around other people. Just ignore them~

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 3:05 am
    Hey Fujoneko, I think its just best to block them. Not worth the time. They act like a little kid that doesnt know how to act civil around other people. Just ignore them~ wonuyaaa

    True let's do that;3

    wonuyaaa January 28, 2021 3:05 am

    Also @joymmm thanks for editing your comment and the apology. I understand you were upset by taku being blurred but i felt like telling the uploader to choke was necessary. Anyway, its all good~

    wonuyaaa January 28, 2021 3:06 am
    Also @joymmm thanks for editing your comment and the apology. I understand you were upset by taku being blurred but i felt like telling the uploader to choke was necessary. Anyway, its all good~ wonuyaaa

    even if you were joking, it can be taken the wrong way you know?

    yrn January 28, 2021 3:06 am

    Please don’t apologize I think we all understand that it was a joke and you didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I hope you didn’t feel upset !!

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 3:08 am

    Thanks for editing your comment, it's true that it was not alright to alter the author's drawing but telling the uploaders to chock was not okay too, glad you realized it, thanks

    Fujoneko January 28, 2021 3:08 am
    Thanks for editing your comment, it's true that it was not alright to alter the author's drawing but telling the uploaders to chock was not okay too, glad you realized it, thanks Fujoneko


    yrn January 28, 2021 3:11 am

    I just wanna say I WON THE FIGHT HUSHAHAHAN and also yes I understand how you feel joymmm please don’t take it to the heart it’s only online