I think he did at first but then he got carried away and turned into a psycho as well he did all of those horrible things to her I mean if you love someone you will cherish them trying to make them feel happy and not kidnapping nor torturing them as well why just do all of those things to her if he really did loved her he should have changed his ways get away from everything
but he didn't so with that he lost the only person who did loved but not anymore due to what she experience physical and mentally like she said "I can't go to school nor I can't face my parents because of you", I think she did survived it will take quite some times for her to recover an I hope that's SOB suffers just a bit more
( ̄へ ̄)
Those are my thoughts on it ( ̄∇ ̄")
So did Yuuga really love Karen? Because when she was asking him those question he was getting flashbacks and it seemed like he did like her but couldnt admit it maybe? Thoughts?