SK is actually the country with the highest rate of alcoholism. It's actually just culture there. It's practically routine to finish hours of overtime and go straight drinking . You can't say no to a drink at the risk of being disrespectful is what I've heard from foreigners living there. You are obligated to fill out an empty glass with booze out of respect. If you don't wish to drink more it is customary to leave a glass half full. If someone is pouring said drink for you you're not supposed to say no and only accept it holding the glass with two hands not one out respect too. Idk why I felt the need to explain this

i can understand if it's the culture but wooyoung is not merely drinking out of respect, he's drinking almost every moment he's awake. he's drinking to drown his loneliness from not being to able to see kyungjoo. the only times he was sober was when kyungjoo is with him in America, other than that, mans just drinking to escape reality. this is obviously not healthy and liam is just being a bystander because he feels like it's not his business to interfere even tho he's beside wooyoung almost everyday...

Oh no my point was that alcoholism is bad but also somehow common and perceived as normal there. The respect thing was just to emphasize how deeply it is embedded into their culture it is. People aren't alcoholics because of their respect its because they have an addiction that it was normalized from where he comes from. I just meant that it's a matter of growing up being surrounded by people that do that, and in that respect slightly less concerning to him? But yeah he's clearly borderlining on alcoholism.

then can we talk about liam? i get that college kids drink but isn't he in America? does the "non-korean" thing still count? honestly, i think anyone can look at what is borderline alcoholism, every country has alcoholics regardless of culture. the author may just be using his alcohol dependence to show that he's depressed without kyungjoo but there should be some light shed on this issue as alcohol dependence is quite serious. although where he grew up, it may be normalized to drink, it still doesn't make sense how he's drowning himself in liquor every waking moment.
can we plz talk about wooyoung's alcoholism plz, like it's actually very concerning how much he drinks. like at this point, he is considered a severe alcoholic...