I'll drop this webtoon as I can't su

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 28, 2021 5:51 am

This webtoon has potential. However, despite my like for the mother and son, I can't understand and support Ercella's negligence of her own child. This might be normal. There are mothers who are worser than Ercella.
I would understand her hate if she got raped and had Vincent. But Ercella's reasons behind why she neglected and hated her child doesn't seem justifiable and seem childish in my eyes.

Maybe it's because my own mother never gave me or my brother up no matter what shit life was throwing at her. Compared to my mother, Ercella was so much more fortunate. My father left my mother, who is penniless and unemployed with 2 young children. She got several marriage offers from wealthier men even after her separation. But because she feared how step-father might treat us, she never remarried.

My brother and I used to be so hurt about our father's abandonment. Fortunately, we had our maternal uncle who loved and cherished us like gems. If our uncle wasn't there, my brother and I would have always felt that void. Just like that Vincent would always feels that void.

So, that's why I'll drop this webtoon. This is a good one. But I feel that that the reasons the author gave about why Ercella grew to Vincent so childish.

    liathames2128 January 27, 2021 9:48 pm

    I also cannot support the mother’s emotional negligence of her son. Even if the child is raised without any difficulties or struggles due to wealth, emotional negligence can have severe impacts on a child’s emotional/mental development. However, I also understand that not all mothers love their or are able to love their children. The reason for Ercella’s lack of love and even resentment for her son is highly likely due to postpartum depression and possibly even post traumatic stress disorder. What really struck me hard was her internal thought “I don’t know” when she was asked why she didn’t love her son by her husband.

    gingerale17 January 27, 2021 10:22 pm

    i don’t believe it’s justified per say but she probably suffered from post partum depression. Which i also have seen happen to first time mothers and it can cause that drift to happen. At least she acknowledges that she was wrong but she honestly couldn’t have done anything better. She had no support system and felt held back by having a child. She obviously couldn’t have gotten an abortion if she wasn’t ready.

    liathames2128 January 27, 2021 11:04 pm
    i don’t believe it’s justified per say but she probably suffered from post partum depression. Which i also have seen happen to first time mothers and it can cause that drift to happen. At least she acknowle... gingerale17

    Oh yeah, it’s definitely not justified. Reason does not equal justification for sure. ( T﹏T )

    feekapii January 28, 2021 7:42 am

    I support your standpoint and I can see where you are coming from but Mental Health will never be childish her negligence towards her own child shouldn't be forgiven nor should it be excused however her reasons while as low as some people might think is still valid.

    Ruri January 28, 2021 8:06 am

    I don't think the reason Erecella is cold to Vincente is childish at all. Severe depression is pretty serious, and often isn't taken seriously by those who haven't experienced it first hand or those who don't fully understand it. It's not something people can push through sometimes with sheer force of will.

    It's a mental illness, and what it does is it causes lapse in judgement, and disconnection from reality. Sometimes you can wake up and not know where you are. Sometimes you are compelled to do bad things for just that temporary sense of relief because the times when you aren't asleep, living feels like utter torture. Sometimes you KNOW you're depressed, and you can't stop the feeling of self-loathing, alienation, paranoia and the desire for self-torture. Even when your physical environment is one of safety and full of comfort, you could still be so deeply hurt and never fully understand why.

    I'm sorry your folks had a rough life growing up, I'm glad you made it out okay, but even when circumstances are different, everyone experiences pain the same way. No one's pain outweighs another by justification of circumstance.