Can anyone tell me which chapter was it when navier saw Henry flying as a b...
I never understood why men in manhwas feel the need to get off immediately ...
am i crazy for feeling empathy for rashta? like she was a kunt but she lite...
chat what chap shd i stop at
Prediction: The Duke knows the plans he is feeding Trashta, so all he needs to do is reveal her hand and throw her and the kingdom down the damn drain. They’ll lose face, they’ll be a laughing stock of a nation, Trashta will be a sad excuse of a Queen, and The East King will not only have a very problematic mother of his child to deal with, but lose his most valuable support and asset, Navier. Can not WAIT till I see this all unfold. I’ve had to linger in their toxicity long enough and although still very iffy of The Duke, I’m acknowledging he’s doing this for his friend, Heinley. He isn’t afraid of playing dirty, as we’ve seen and I can at least appreciate his support to those he is loyal to, but doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have slapped him a few good times. >>