I agree completely, it's like you somehow read my mind and wrote the above post the shoujo genre requires female leads who have a mind and a personality of their own and male leads who aren't over the top angsy jerks. Of course I also agree with the fact that in shoujo genre females are always insulted and blamed for anything and everything whether it was their fault or not
I normally don't read shoujo manga as much as I used to (because yaoi ensnared me in its trap and nowadays a lot of love interests and heroines leave a bad taste when I read them, the heroines are wimpy, whiny, and wishy-washy, and the love interests are rude, over glorified for their sometimes quite weird looking (in my opinion, but I have somewhat unconventional tastes so whatever) appearance, and the heroines are insulted on a regular basis for thing they can't control, which I see so many people I know struggle with and are given unnecessary grief for and it passes me off, which makes my stance biased, but the point still syands.)
But every now and then I find a wonderful manga like this, with a strong admirable heroine and a love interest who, while not perfect, grows on you and is endearing to the audience and the heroine, and it doesn't feel so one sided. This manga made my evening. I will be recommending it to my friends.