yeah I read it but make sure you realize that joowon ur king manipulated him every since their parents were together made his life extremely difficult and is the reason why haesoo has commitment issues. You would know if you read the latest chapter where Haesoo admits that himself. Donât call other a clown if ur the one juggling hun.

you're really not making sense??? haesoo kissed joowon first and their love was mutual. joowon wanted to protect what their relationship which is why they kept their relationship open like this. it was always silent agreement between the two. which is why haesoo says "the rules WE abided by had been broken". because they BOTH upheld their relationship being this way. joowon was scared of losing haesoo thinking haesoo will abandon him if their relationship gets serious. and haesoo was scared of losing his mom by being seriously with joowo. he also doesnt admit anywhere joowon manipulated him, but he admits earlier in the story that he manipulated joowon by making him possessive and jealous. theres a whole monologue about how he craves an obsessive love. haesoo simply says in this chapter he knows it will be hard to be with joowon (because their parents dont support them), but he loves joowon so it doesnt matter he's going to try anyway.

also: TAKU is the one that believed joowon made his life difficult, not haesoo. when in fact, taku is honestly wrong. it was his mother guilt tripping haesoo for years and years for loving joowon, that made haesoo terrified of commitment with joowon. because haesoo knows he will lose her as she literally tells him she cant love him if he goes with joowon. and then there's joowon with his father gaslighting him by convincing jw that haesoo will abandon him and he shouldnt start anything with haesoo if he doesnt want to be left alone. this will be shown in 1 or 2 chapters!
their parents made their lives very difficult, so joohae were very scared to step forward in their relationship.
also here's two comments about why/how taku was actually manipulative, and how joowon changed/what he realized in order to be with haesoo fully:
i suggest you read them and give it some thought!

there's no solid proof or justification of that tho?? when you understand the root of joowon's problems: fear of abandonment from haesoo's end (because of haesoo being uncommitted and too scared of losing his mom) and his father shoving ideas into his head about haesoo leaving him-- you can see in the story WHY joowon wont repeat his mistakes: like the next chapter it shows him to standing up to his dad about the gaslighting, and haesoo's mother lets hs live his own life in the previous chapter.
so overall... it's when joohae begin to believe in each others feelings and not what they parents have made them think and believe, that's when their relationship can finally breathe.
anyway... joowon isnt the manipulative person that tried to make haesoo miserable like you made him out to be. he needs to have some intent to be manipulative. but really he's just someone that made mistakes, but didnt have such bad intentions.
also all his "flaws" have actually been dealt with & adressed in the story, which i cant say about taku. like: him being overly possessive with haesoo. it already been explained ages ago how haesoo wanted him to be that way and elicited those emotions out of him. so when haesoo leaves, joowon loses all of that possessiveness and gives him complete space + still loves haesoo unconditionally. he also just spends time realizing all his mistakes in his relationship and understanding his faulty beliefs about how he arrogantly thought haesoo would always stay with him as long as he kept their relationship ambiguous.
anyway, sorry i wrote too much i got carried away lol

honestly if you ask them to give you legitimate examples of how joowon "manipulated" haesoo, they can tell you nothing. they'll probably say shit like how joowon was all controlling of him, not wanting him to sleep with other men. when haesoo deadass says he WANTED joowon to be that way. hence his whole monologue about craving an obsessive love. shows how they're selective readers lol.

yeah and...??? they met when they were 16 cause theyre total strangers before and liked each other immediately. theyre past the stage of development where they can quickly establish each other as brothers. They cant control the fact that they saw each other romantically so quickly. Thats what love is. I swear how can you not understand this?
toxic always wins man