Taku is such a selfish prick this chapter. "I want you to have a hard time" my butt. LIKE ...

wonuyaaa January 27, 2021 8:39 am

Taku is such a selfish prick this chapter. "I want you to have a hard time" my butt. LIKE LMAOO. He wants Haesoo to regret leaving him, but you think Haesoo is gonna regret leaving after saying this?? This is literally the kind of stuff exes say that makes me think "phew dodged a bullet there" lol

Lowkey wanted Haesoo to stop showing him remorse. But this man really went and said "well I wish you happiness". But then again, I guess bby has actual development from the first chapter when he did not give a damn about his ex.

Meanwhile Taku: "I told you I'm not a good person" hahaha, yeah sir. go and fcking change that! Main reason why Joowon was the main lead. Cause he actually changed and developed massively as a character.

    Monarchia7 January 27, 2021 8:42 am

    Lol bestie the man got his hert broken, what kind of hypocrite be like I hope you the best or some

    wonuyaaa January 27, 2021 8:47 am
    Lol bestie the man got his hert broken, what kind of hypocrite be like I hope you the best or some Monarchia7

    lol why would he need to say he hopes the best haesoo. taku just didn't need to say ANYTHING lol. he could've just said bye. he put himself in this position, he cant just put the blame on haesoo and try to make him feel worse. as if they didnt mutually agree on this. it's kinda manipulative behavior.

    also slightly confused. are you saying haesoo is a hyprocrite for not talking shit back to taku or ????

    Monarchia7 January 27, 2021 9:58 am
    lol why would he need to say he hopes the best haesoo. taku just didn't need to say ANYTHING lol. he could've just said bye. he put himself in this position, he cant just put the blame on haesoo and try to make... wonuyaaa

    Haesoo is the one breaking up so him saying I hope you the best doesn't really matter.

    But this is not a fairy tale...this is like a pretty accurate break up. People act differently when they are hurt. If you have ever witnessed a break up you surely saw how some end really bad.

    this is not even bad.
    You say Taku is selfish because he didn't hide how much hurt he was from their break up.

    this break up was quite realist. He said he was't a good person and yet he was acting like a person who got hurt. People do say mean things when they are hurt.
    He didn't say it so Haesoo would stay with him tho.
    didn't even beg for him to not leave.
    But I guess there must be a level of understanding to get why he said what he said and I'm pretty sure Haesoo has it.

    None of these characters were good people. They were just people.

    This doesn't make him a bad person and I can even say it's not even a toxic behavior. Maybe you cop another way.

    this is similar to two friends arguing and one telling them "when you'll get hurt don't say I didn't warn you"

    When Taku and Haesoo will meet again it doesn't mean Taku won't apologize the way the friend would say "I'm sorry it's not like I want you to get hurt".

    This is not all black and white. Haesoo also know he was somehow wrong in this relationship. Because they were really well writen characters with really well portraied humans flaws.

    also yes if Taku had said "bye, hope you the best" that would have been hypocrite.
    He'll probably be able to tell him that if their break up wasn't so fresh and it would have been sincere

    iloveyou24 January 27, 2021 1:25 pm
    Haesoo is the one breaking up so him saying I hope you the best doesn't really matter.But this is not a fairy tale...this is like a pretty accurate break up. People act differently when they are hurt. If you ha... Monarchia7
