
Hye January 27, 2021 7:32 am

yet again Taku shows what a pos he is. idgaf about his life now when all he has ever deserved was to live in a dumpster like the low class, selfish garbage he is. please don't ruin any future ch by having him in them

    zero January 27, 2021 7:35 am

    bruh chill i’m 100% he ain’t going to ruin your ship or the future chapters so calm down lol just let him live in peace

    Hye January 27, 2021 7:46 am
    bruh chill i’m 100% he ain’t going to ruin your ship or the future chapters so calm down lol just let him live in peace zero

    I am very chill, if you disagree that's fine but don't act like me voicing my opinion is an overreaction or that im making this into some ship war. this has nothing to do with a ship, I just do not like Taku. me not liking Taku doesn't stop you from liking him so im honestly not sure what your point is

    Hye January 27, 2021 7:49 am
    bruh chill i’m 100% he ain’t going to ruin your ship or the future chapters so calm down lol just let him live in peace zero

    or what, am I gonna hurt Taku's feelings? lmao

    zero January 27, 2021 8:08 am
    or what, am I gonna hurt Taku's feelings? lmao Hye

    girl i literally just told you to chill i didn’t mean anything by it and you got PRESSED

    wonuyaaa January 27, 2021 8:17 am

    LMAOOO RIGHT?? I hate him forreal this chapter

    Hye January 27, 2021 8:20 am
    girl i literally just told you to chill i didn’t mean anything by it and you got PRESSED zero

    what are you even talking about? "pressed" about what? this comes across very 6th grader snapping her fingers at me in a z formation im so confused lol

    Hye January 27, 2021 8:23 am
    LMAOOO RIGHT?? I hate him forreal this chapter wonuyaaa

    he basically shows how he is so much worse than people thought he was and there are still people like "omg my bby deserves so much happiness!"
    like did we read the same story??? he is very clearly the antagonist and not a good person. and he has been a pos literally THE WHOLE STORY and people still drool over him,, im ????

    wonuyaaa January 27, 2021 8:26 am
    he basically shows how he is so much worse than people thought he was and there are still people like "omg my bby deserves so much happiness!" like did we read the same story??? he is very clearly the antagonis... Hye

    Cause they can't read. I've said it over and over but Taku stans dont have reading comprehension lol. Well majority of them.

    Hye January 27, 2021 5:20 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Madame du Wishy-washy

    and ive missed giving taku Stans the healthy dose of the reality of how shitty a person taku actually is. someones gotta do it ;)

    Hye January 27, 2021 5:22 pm
    Cause they can't read. I've said it over and over but Taku stans dont have reading comprehension lol. Well majority of them. wonuyaaa

    the story is too complex for them to fully grasp. or they just like romanticizing toxic, manipulative, obsessive, selfish behavior. either way, its not a good look ¯_(ツ)_/¯