Responses i think its kinda what youre looking for

omg i totally agree w u! honestly i dunno many stories that are not really clichés but i did recently start reading a manga that i thought would be a regular shoujo but completely did a 180 in an instant dunno if you read it, its weird but interesting.
Can anyone recommend a story where the MC doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything like they don’t care if they hurt other people mentally or physically? A character who is emotionally stunted lol. You don’t have to read from here on imma just ramble:
Like in shojou mangas the MC always has this love rival that they fight fair and square and they give it there all, full of passion, drama and morherfucking youth well I want the opposite I want a badass MC who doesn’t give a shit about that (it can be any genre) or a story where not everything is predictable for example I read one where a doctor goes back in time re-do blah blah blah said he was gonna become a dermatologist and not a surgeon like in his future-past self and everyone saw it from a fucking mile away that he was gonna still become a surgeon (again predictable) or a story where not everything is for the MC like if there is a side character that doesn’t fit well with the MC they are immediately portrayed as an “evil” character and the author does everything in their power for the MC to (no matter what) be portrayed as a hero or said character is forgiven blah blah becomes friends with the MC because suddenly he has done a 180 and totally fits with the MC’s story (wow I sound like a bitter bitch and I’m sorry I really don’t mean in that way I’m not trying to bash or call out other stories I just want something different again my apologies if I have offended anyone honestly I shouldn’t be talking cause shit I can barely write hello let alone a fucking story again I don’t mean to trigger anyone)