Thought this might be relevant seeing as this series of exposure mangas highlighted the "r...

Anonymous January 26, 2021 11:39 pm

Thought this might be relevant seeing as this series of exposure mangas highlighted the "reach" that the CCP has in it's fear and control. A well known youtuber, Mr. Roger known for his somewhat dated stereotype character is from Malaysia, but living comfortably in England for quite some years. He uploaded a video with mainland Chinese defector, Mike Chen, whose family fled due to witnessing human rights abuse and fear of themselves being persecuted. Mike Chen has spoken about the student massacre, the suffering of the Uighur population and the protests in HK. "Mr Roger", who despite youtube being banned in China, has a big Chinese audience, cowardly deleted his collaboration video due to Mike's anti-CCP views. Now, most people in his own country, England, are critical and aware of the harm the CCP has and is having, it's actually part of high school curriculum's so no one is ignorant. Yet this man through fear, or losing the pro-ccp Chinese audience removed his video because the man he was collaborating with spoke the truth, something his (legal) audience also is in agreement of. The publisher and creator of these mangas are not cowards like Mr Roger, the creator has given a voice to the voiceless and so we won't have another TS where mainland Chinese are told it was the students at "fault"!!!!
