KKKKKKKKKKK pode sim! Alguém começou a propositalmente fazer updates logo depois do nosso upload (28&29) foi uma loucura só. Acabei ficando cansada disso e fizemos nosso próprio website pra continuar os updates lá. Eu pensei que ninguém iria ler lá, mas pra um time que existe pouco mais de um mês, tem bastante gente viu. Estamos fazendo upload de mais 2 (Director's Dessert & Kiss the Bride) também vamos ter um projeto/manhwa novo lá. Se quiser se juntar → DM <3
I apologise if I offend you or sound rude, but you should expect a bit of it since you clearly don't respect and appreciate the hard work scan groups put into their work. You are not helping us if you think uploading over us will give us less work, you are fvcking up our schedule and making us waste our time finishing what we had already started. It is tiring and frustrating. You are not doing the readers a favor with your crappy translation, bad quality and incomplete chapter. Do you even know the language you're translating from? What in the google and translating app is this? I'm sure some readers might be satisfied...some ppl accept things even if whatever it is. And please don't use "tHe RaWs aRe AlrEadY aT cHaPtEr 42 pPl wAnT tO rEaD" as an excuse. When this was picked up it was already far behind. It will be far behind again...cuz I'm willing to drop this now. This is illegal, so we do it for FREE and out of kindness to those who can't afford to buy the chapters or don't know the language! We have personal lives and matters to deal with, we can not be 24/7 working on this, yet we do our best to bring the best translation and quality possible to the readers. You are spoiling it for ppl who want a good read. This is the last time I say this, I am tired of repeating myself!