( ̄へ ̄)

BlackMistress November 27, 2015 4:36 am

Umm, i truely believe that these could be the next generations. When Hajime was explaining that he never transformed onto a cat in his whole life (hint), even when gettin hugged by the opposite sex (hint hint), and on his right wrist there were the beads that Kyo used to wear. As for Mitsuki, I believe that he has the same but slightly different from Yuki. Then at the end Hanajima sensei is saki's younger brother, especially evident when he said that he was going to put a curse on the people, then right after said that he was kiddin. My reason for all these is for me was clearly evident in chapter 4.5 there were so many blatant hints.
Also throughout the whole manga,Hajime and Mitsuki looked alike to their parents.

    Aerei November 30, 2015 9:43 pm

    Damn right baby!