My take: Rawin does love Chess and he's willing to be with Chess for the rest of Chess' li...

rose January 26, 2021 12:27 am

My take:
Rawin does love Chess and he's willing to be with Chess for the rest of Chess' life, fufilling the werewolf's "one true love" thing.
The thing is, he's been through this before, being in love, possibly with some other mortal that has also died before him.
So when Chess does die from old age, he will remember him forever as a past love and eventually find another lover. Just like he found Chess. Because he's a vampire and he has and will live for a very veeery long time, and he doesn't get to have "one love forever". Unless it's another vampire, they will always go before him.

    Tenshi-gao January 26, 2021 3:07 am

    He already said that his ex lover was another vampire lol