Potato January 26, 2021 12:45 am


So yeah, just read all the chapters. Wanted to see if the MC gets any better.

I felt bad for the ML for constantly running around and having to deal with the very immature MC. OH, BUT IT GETS WORSE. Yeah, of course they gonna have a kid. (you don't even want to know the ordeal the ML has to go through during MC's pregnancy)

The MC still goes drinking after they have a child, flirts, and continues down this path of immaturity while the ML has to care for a newborn. Poor ML having no sleep, caring for a child, caring for the uke that acts no older than a 5 year old, having constantly to run out of his meetings in the middle, can't even work and MC saying things like "daddy is going to make money to buy a Lamborghini" then no more than a second later the ML has to run out of a meeting again.

Bro, this is worse than being a single parent. You got a drunk ass lover that can't do anything but cause trouble and be needy in the name of love, a newborn baby, a business to run, and all the while everyone puts more and more pressure on you to provide. At least if he was a single parent, he could get a nanny without his lover's feelings hurt. After long day of work, meetings, sitting in traffic, caring for a newborn, you have to now sexually satisfy a spouse that lives like a spoiled princess.

At this point I am not reading a love story anymore. I am just watching to see how long it takes for this guy to break. Because in reality, it would have happened a long time ago. I mean, is he the owner of the company or the director? If he is only a director there is a good chance at some point he will get terminated due to inability to focus on work. They be paying him millions and he can't even sit through a single meeting? If he the director and owner, then the business will simply suffer.

And how is he still not collapsed due to exhaustion? No sleep, long hours, running around constantly, having to give an A+ sexual performance and stress, bro... I woulda looked like the joker in less than a month.

I call liver failure. Perfect scenario of the sleep deprivation, sex, and stress.

    avocadofortae January 26, 2021 1:06 am

    thanks for heads up i’m dropping this bs

    OneFallingLeaf January 26, 2021 2:05 am

    Seriously...??? That’s such a waste!

    ChezSoi January 26, 2021 4:35 am

    That sounds awfully like "Love is an Illusion". I wanted to punch the selfish uke any time I saw him.

    avocadofortae January 26, 2021 4:59 am
    That sounds awfully like "Love is an Illusion". I wanted to punch the selfish uke any time I saw him. ChezSoi

    no that uke had reasons to act like that i hated how he was but it’s understandable considering he got literally raped and was forced to give birth to a child he didn’t even want to, and ran away w fear he might be forced to take care of it :/

    Danisshi January 26, 2021 5:24 am

    Did you read the chapters or did you only look at the raws? jgjfk cuz in ch. 79 Wooyoung goes out drinking because Gyeongju encouraged him to make friends and he wasnt flirting with anyone, the other guy was trying to get his number and Wooyoung gave him Gyeongju's number to scare him off lolol.

    Danisshi January 26, 2021 5:26 am
    Did you read the chapters or did you only look at the raws? jgjfk cuz in ch. 79 Wooyoung goes out drinking because Gyeongju encouraged him to make friends and he wasnt flirting with anyone, the other guy was tr... Danisshi

    But ch. 80 hasnt been translated yet so maybe I'm missing something?

    silverberry January 26, 2021 6:25 am

    Can you read korean or you’re just looking at the raws without understanding anything? Because what you typed out is far from what’s happening in the story lmfao.

    eve January 26, 2021 6:47 am
    no that uke had reasons to act like that i hated how he was but it’s understandable considering he got literally raped and was forced to give birth to a child he didn’t even want to, and ran away w fear he ... avocadofortae


    eve January 26, 2021 8:00 am
    no that uke had reasons to act like that i hated how he was but it’s understandable considering he got literally raped and was forced to give birth to a child he didn’t even want to, and ran away w fear he ... avocadofortae

    exactly!!! uke was ready to move out the semes house and seme drugged him with his pheromones or whatever theyre called and raped him. when uke became pregnant he signed a contract saying uke would simply be a surrogate and hed leave the baby with the seme but seme had no intention of honoring the contract. hes a piece of shit who had no respect for the ukes choices and let others believe the uke abandoned him and his baby

    Potato January 26, 2021 9:14 am
    Can you read korean or you’re just looking at the raws without understanding anything? Because what you typed out is far from what’s happening in the story lmfao. silverberry

    Hmmm? I am reading from the website itself, read chapter 80. Yeah, I can read Korean, Chinese, and a little Japanese, a little Spanish. I was just curious how far this goes so I created an account on naver.

    CH 80,
    The ML is bathing the child, puts him to sleep then needs to sexually satisfy the MC. Gets interrupted, goes to the child. MC throws a fit. Has to go to work, the MC says the kid "Daddy will make money to buy a Lamborghini". ML already be looking stressed. Didn't sit through the meeting before getting another call, this time from a hospital, something happened to the child and the MC is crying (again, for the 100000000000 time).

    The cycle of the MC needing attention, not doing anything with his life, and distracting ML from career goals is continuous. ML is always taking responsibility of the MC's choices. Whether that be having to work, care the baby, and satisfy his emotional desires, or even in the current chapters. The MC literally drank himself to sickness to get the ML to hop on another plane ride to visit him. I mean really?

    At this point, we should be praying ML is part owner and won't get terminated from his position. And his liver is still healthy from sleep deprivation, stress and needing to fulfill sexual fantasy of his partner. DUDE NEEDS TO REST. I really just wish the MC would get his shit together, but no.

    Is a strong Omega that can take care of a child and house too much to ask? Man, they rich too. Just get a nanny and let the man come home once without dealing with drama. This was the same prior to marriage, during pregnancy, and now continues. Let me guess, the MC is gonna cry more, the ML gonna need to be at home even more, and when he gets too comfortable, MC gonna want another kid for him to care for.

    Like I said, I am just reading this to see how long the ML can go.
    In reality, this is why men drive off cliffs and have midlife crisis, or OD.

    Iwaizumi January 26, 2021 4:29 pm

    I already knew that this will happen base on the immaturity of wooyoung but I hoped that he'll get a development. As expected none. I already has the hunch I'll drop this sooner of later cause of frustration. Guess I'm right
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    avocadofortae January 26, 2021 7:25 pm
    exactly!!! uke was ready to move out the semes house and seme drugged him with his pheromones or whatever theyre called and raped him. when uke became pregnant he signed a contract saying uke would simply be a ... eve

    yuh he had everyone thinking he was the nice guy too like he just looks like that, and acts sweet w him but he wasn’t acc sweet. people who think otherwise will get manipulated and taken advantage in life