This collection is a highly selective, BL-centric list that aims to comprehensively render the most LITERARY masterful works across the history of the sub-demographic. I will define a literary tale as one which has a goal to execute nuanced moral structure and challenge the reader to take away from the story not only a satisfying plot line and art style, but also an applicable perspective on the world that they can thus carry with them into the happenstances of everyday life.
~*List Always Under Construction*~
*General info: as it stands, there are only two continuous series' on this list. I'm working on getting more heartwarming stuff in here - right now it's turning out to be a really impressively tragic bunch in here! Of course, you can expect that the titles I pick will be worthy of the list, and won't simply be placed here because they change up the mood. It will take some time ^_^ wish me luck hunting. Sorry about that~