Athanasia (Athy), the mc, doesn't just do things for the sake of appearing cute for the audience, her actions support her end goals. We also see her continue to mature and develop conflicting feelings as she goes on. The characters seem like actual characters with their own thoughts and reasonings.
Art (10/10)
Beautiful to the point it's blinding. I would even give more than 10 if possible. The most beautiful to me was the royal bloodline's jewel eyes.
Overall (100/10)
ARIA (main character) Loving the mc's character so far, she doesn't do a complete flip to her character (still a noble brat, just lowkey). This is the right kind of villain, instead of trying to be a better version of herself (in a good/innocent way) to help herself and others to avoid death/destruction she becomes a better person (in an evil way) in order to save herself and bring chaos to others. She won’t rest until she burn them all 10/10 plot, 10/10 Art
Latte (MC) One word to describe this amazing piece : PERFECTION. Especially the art, it's very entertaining. Breath of fresh air because the MC isn't collecting all of the male lead like pokemon. She involves herself in a very realistic and meaningful way (which is the complete opposite of you-know-who). Each one of them is unique.
Humor (1000/10)