-not really into the male lead
Raw: https://tkor.wine/황후궁-체대생
Raw2: https://newtoki92.com/webtoon/1170213?stx=황후+궁+체+대생&title=황후궁-체대생
-otome game
Raw: https://tkor.wine/역하렘-게임-속으로-떨어진-모양입니다
-villainess I think
-heard she ends up with number 2 :/ so imma drop it tbh
Raw: https://tkor.wine/이별을-희망합니다
They are behind so yeah
-in the heroin or whatever body
-kinda possessive male lead gotta hold back tho:/
Raw: https://tkor.wine/용사의-전-여친입니다
Raw: https://tkor.wine/기간한정-공주님
-weight loss
Raw: https://tkor.wine/레이디-생존의-법칙
Raw2: https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/3579952/레이디?page=2&toon=일반웹툰+생존의+법칙
-cross dress
Raw: https://tkor.wine/악역에게-정체를-들켜버렸다
-fl a bit weird but in a ok way
-i think chapter 50 is the last chapter:/ the author dropped it I think
Raw: https://www.myktoon.com/mw/works/list.kt?worksseq=10734
Raw: https://tkor.wine/악녀의-애완동물
Raw: https://tkor.wine/로열-셰프-영애님