-father daughter stuff
Raw: https://tkor.wine/어느-날-공주가-되어버렸다
-memey in a sense
-side villain
Raw: https://tkor.wine/구경하는-들러리양
Raw2: https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/144007/구경하는?page=3&toon=일반웹툰+들러리양
-umm I forgot tbh imma reread soon
Raw: https://tkor.wine/악당의-아빠를-꼬셔라
-reincarnation(really has nothing to do with the plot tbh)
-tbh it’s not the best
Raw: https://tkor.wine/쌍둥이-남매의-뉴라이프
-second life
Raw: https://tkor.wine/악녀는-두-번-산다
Raw: https://tkor.tube/악녀는-두-번-산다
-second life
Raw: https://tkor.wine/악녀는-모래시계를-되돌린다
-when in the beast form it’s a pet-owner relationship
Raw: https://tkor.wine/그녀와-야수
Raw: https://tkor.wine/악녀의-정의
-around the 100 chapter I’m not really for 1st male lead
-there is royalty involve
-age gap
Raw: https://tkor.wine/나는-이-집-아이
-umm on ios there is an app called manga man you can see some more chapters on there
Raw: https://tkor.wine/언니가-남자-주인공을-주워-왔다