Ever since high school, Sang Hwa has had a crush on his seemingly perfect best friend, Ryuh Han. Feeling both inferior and lonely, he delved into Lessa, an MMO slowly declining in popularity and an escape from Ryuh Han. In game, he stumbled across newbie “Mighty Mirae” – real name Gwon Lee Gum – and the two become fast friends as “Idealize”. Sang Hwa helps to train him and invite him to his guild. Yet, Mirae hyung still remains a distant, mysterious person unt
Youngjun’s life has been all about comparing himself with the Baseball Genius, Hyun; who totally set the standards for Yongjun’s baseball life 7 years ago.
Youngjun hated him just a few encounters after. Insecurities were too strong to beat, and it was easier to doubt Hyun’s kindness and push it away. Hyun has never lived a mediocre life, and that was enough reason to hate.
Although this time, Youngjun can’t take his eyes off of him, and Hyun has never left.
In the ultimate dating game mayhem, Jerry Route's virtual love life takes center stage! Battling fainting spells due to his feeble stats, Jerry's three brothers crank up the competition for his affection. Enter the swoon-worthy crown prince Karyan and the fourth prince Ilya, who both vie for Jerry's attention. It's a hilarious, heart-fluttering quest as Jerry dodges the overprotective antics of friends and family, navigating the game while encountering an amusing array of cha
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